
12th European Heathland Workshop

Southern European Heathlands – Diverse Landscapes under Global Change

 12-18 June 2011, University of León (León, Spain) and University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Vila Real, Portugal)

 The 12th European Heathland Workshop (12th EHW) will be held in Spain and Portugal. This Workshop is organised by the Heathland Ecology Group of the University of León (Spain) in collaboration with researchers from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro in Portugal.

 The theme of this Workshop is “Southern European Heathlands – diverse landscapes under global change”. The Workshop will focus on the importance of conserving heathlands situated at the southern limit of their distribution that are characterised by high levels of biodiversity, provide many eco  system services (mainly provisioning and cultural) and are maintained by traditional human activities. The Workshop will bring together heathland experts from around Europe to share ideas and knowledge on management and conservation of these ecosystems under a new scenario of global change.

 The programme involves six full, but very enjoyable days, combining site visits with scientific and technical discussions, which will be focused on the following topics:

  • Heathland management and restoration: a key to maintain biodiversity

  • Heathland Ecosystem Services

  • The future for southern heathlands under global change

  • Heathlands: Anthropogenic Landscapes

  • Burning- effective heathland management tool?

However, our invitation is not restricted to these themes and the Workshop will be open for all kinds of presentations, as long as they are related to heathlands. We hope that this conference will be a truly significant scientific event and a rewarding cultural experience for all of you. A warm welcome to all conference participants and visitors!

 Workshop details, including important dates, pre-registration form, locations, and other relevant information are available and continuously updated at the workshop website:

Deadline for pre-registration: 30 September 2010





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