UK: Changes and disturbance in tropical rain forest in SE Asia
Changes and Disturbance in Tropical Rain Forest in SE Asia
20 – 21 January 1999, London
How natural and man-induced disturbances affect the dynamics of rain forest is a central concern of tropical ecology. The meeting will discuss findings from the Royal Society’s SE Asian Programme in the context of tropical forest processes globally.
- Hydrological investigations of forest disturbance and land cover change impacts in SE Asia: A review
- Comparing forest dynamism and demography of old growth forest in Malaya with Central America: Large, permanent plot results
- The role of extreme events in the long-term patterns of erosion in selectively logged and primary rain forest catchments, Danum, Sabah
- Primary forest dynamics at Danum, Sabah
- The effects of selective logging on the distribution of months in a Bornean rain forest
- Forest disturbance, termite assemblages and carbon fluxes in Sabah, East Malaysia
- Mechanisms of maintenance of fish communities in the face of disturbance
- Investigating insect diversity in the tropics
- Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization in an evergreen lowland rain forest
- Modelling water and sediment behaviour within multi-scale contributing areas of rain forest affected by forestry activities
- Growth and survivorship of dipterocarp seedlings: shade persistance and responses to gap formation
- Interesting times on Karakatau: stand dynamics in the 1990’s
- The eco-climatology of Danum, Sabah, in the context of the world’s rain forest regions, with particular refernces to drought and dry periods
- The interdependance of peat and vegetation in tropical peat swamp forest
All interested in the subject are welcome at the meeting.
For further information please contact:
The Royal Society
6 Carlton House Terrace, London
(reference: DM01/NBT)
Great Britain Tel.: ++44 (0) 171 451 2574-5
Fax: ++44 (0) 171 451 2693
Applications must be received by 8 January 1999.