Canada: Landscape Fire Modeling Workshop


Landscape Fire Modeling Workshop

15-16 November 1999, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, BritishColumbia

A small informal workshop is being planned and hosted by the Canadian Forest Service, Fire Research Network. The target audience for this workshop are people involved in landscape fire modeling in boreal and temperate forests. This workshop is also intended to be one of the planned regional workshops in the development of a fire module to be used in the Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM). This global model is being developed as part of the efforts of the Global Change Terrestrial Ecosystems group (GCTE) which is part of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme: A Study of Global Change (IGBP).

The workshop will start with some keynote speakers followed by break-out sessions to discuss a number of proposed themes such as

  1. Purpose of models;

  2. Approaches to modeling;

  3. Applications of the models;

  4. Future directions – the global picture.

A poster session and computer model demo will be held during the workshop. A short timely proceedings is planned which will highlight action items and breakout session discussions.

For further information please contact:

Brad Hawkes
Canadian Forest Service
506 W. Burnside Rd
BC V8Z 1M5 Phone (250) 363-0665
Fax (250) 363-0775
e-mail or Mike Flannigan
Canadian Forest Service
5320 -122nd St
AB T6H 3S5 ph. 780 435-7338
fax 780 435-7359

Update information on the workshop will be given at a later date.



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