Spain: Remote Sensing in the 21th Century, Economic and Environmental Applications
Remote Sensing in the 21th Century
Economic and Environmental Applications
31 May – 2 June 1999, Valladolid
The 19th EARSeL Symposium is the last to be held this millennium and aims to establish a milestone to reflect the tremendous progress which remote sensing has made over the last few years and to open the doors to the 21st century by showing the innovations that the immediate future has to offer us.
The theme of the 1999 Symposium is Remote Sensing in the 21st Century: Economic and Environmental Applications. Two of the most important challenges that humanity is facing in the 21st century are thus underlined: the economic, bringing with it an increase in well-being, help for developing countries and a general improvement in the quality of life, and the environment which must be respected, protected and improved in order to offer future generations a better world.
The sessions of the Symposium cover most of the more important topics in remote sensing. In addition, the Symposium offers the opportunity to organize small meetings among researchers from various laboratories to prepare future projects or to analyze field campaign results, as well as the possibility for specific presentations on the part of commercial firms. The EARSeL Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are especially invited to organize extra informal meetings.
For oral presentations, all technical equipment such as single or parallel overhead and slide projectors will be available in both lecture halls. Speakers who wish to use a multimedia projector linked to a PC may do so. Internet connection is also available in the Aula Magna. Talks should not exceed 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion. Speakers should previously contact the session chairman in order to co-ordinate details of the presentation.
Posters will be exhibited in the designated areas, between the Aula de Grados and Aula Magna and around the commercial exhibition area. Posters should be 0.80m wide by 1.10m high and are to be fixed with double-sided Scotch tape. Authors present will be invited to make a 2 minute presentation of their posters at the oral session to which their poster is attached using no more than 2 viewgraphs.
A special session on forest fires will be held on Tuesday, 1 June 1999.
Technical Session 8: FOREST FIRES
Oral Presentations:
Forest and fire monitoring with NOAA AVHRR imagery in the Central African Republic
El GHAZZAWI Ihab, Iver, Bucks., U.K.
A burned area monitoring system based on Earth observation data
CAETANO M.R., PAÚL and SANTOS T.G. (CNIG, Oeiras, Portugal)
Remote sensing estimation of fuel moisture content
VAUGHAN P., RIAÑO D., COCERO D. and CHUVIECO E. (Univ. Alcalá de Henares, Spain)
Ground-based spectral and spatial characterization of fires
DE CASTRO A.J., BRIZ S., ARANDA J.M., MELÉNDEZ J. and LÓPEZ F. (Univ. Madrid, Spain)
Analysis of the environmental factors determining the summer forest wildfires in Aznalcollar and Sierra Bermeja, Spain 1995
SANZ REDONDO A. (Univ. Ciudad Real, Spain) and GIRÁLDEZ CERVERAJ.V. (Univ. Córdoba, Spain)
Temperature maps obtained from satellite images for a forest wildfire temporal evolution analysis: a practice case
SANZ REDONDO A. (Univ. Ciudad Real, Spain) and GIRÁLDEZ CERVERA J.V. (Univ. Córdoba, Spain)
Automatic mapping of large scale forest fires in Spain using Landsat-TM images
For further information plaease contact:
EARSel Secretariat,
Attn: Mrs. M. Godefroy
2, avenue Rapp,
F-75340 PARIS Cedex 07,
Tel: ++33-1-45567360,
Fax: ++33-1-45567361