Portugal: Third International Conference on Forest Fire Research (1998)
Third International Conference on Forest Fire Research
in conjunction with the
14th Fire and Forest Meteorology Conference
16-20 November 1998, Coimbra
The 3rd International Conference on Forest Fire Research will be held at Grande Hotel das Termas, in Luso, Coimbra. Luso is a thermal resort situated 20 km North of Coimbra in Central Portugal, and is well connected by road and train to Lisbon (220 km) and Oporto (80 km). The conference will cover areas related to fire weather, fire behaviour, fire ecology, fire management, human and institutional factors. General information and abstract submission for those interested in presenting oral or poster papers to the Conference should be sent to the Chairman of this Conference (as announced in the last issue of IFFN, the deadline for abstracts was 31 December 1997).
Domingos X. Viegas
ADAI – Associacao para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinamica Industrial
Apartado 3131
P – 3000 Coimbra
Fax: ++351-39-7000-771
Tel: ++351-39-7000-732
e-mail: dxvuc@gemini.ci.uc.pt