GFMC Meetings Calendar 2018
VIII International Conference on Forest Fire Research
10-16 November 2018, Coimbra, Portugal
About the Conference
The International Conferences on Forest Fire Research have been organized every 4 years since 1990, bringing together scientists from all around the world to present and discuss advances on Forest Fires related research topics.
The VIII International Conference on Forest Fire Research and its related events will be held in Coimbra, Portugal, from 10 to 16 November 2018. The Conference will provide an update on the developments in forest fire science and technology and an opportunity to meet persons and institutions to promote cooperation in research and management. The scope of the conference will be mainly:
- To bring together scientists and practitioners from various parts of the world working on different aspects of forest fires
- To encourage the presentation and discussion of recent advances in scientific research and technical development
- To present new management methodologies
- To present results from pilot experiments
- To promote international cooperation
The themes that will be focused during the Conference are related to human and institutional factors, forest management and fire prevention, fire at the wildland urban interface, forest fire risk assessment and climate change, fire detection and monitoring, remote sensing, fire management, fire, suppression and new technologies, large fires, fire safety, economic issues, fire ecology and evaluation and management of burned areas. These themes are not restricted and we are open to other subjects that are proposed, as well.
Two courses, the V Short Course on Fire Safety and the VIII Short Course on Forest Fire Behaviour, will be held before the Conference, as related events.
Conference website
Address of the Secretariat of the Conference:
Rua Pedro Hispano, 12
3031-601 Coimbra
Tel.: +351 239 790732
Fax.: +351 239 790771