UK Wildfire Conference 2015


UK Wildfire Conference 2015
“Wildfires in the UK: Prevention Better Than Cure”

10-11 November 2015, Cambuslang, Scottland

The Scottish Wildfire Forum (SWF) and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) are hosting the UK Wildfire Conference 2015 “Wildfires in the UK: Prevention Better Than Cure” on 10th and 11th November 2015 at SFRS’s state-of-the-art training centre, at Cambuslang on the outskirts of Glasgow (UK). The event is being organised and supported by SWF, SFRS, the England and Wales Wildfire Forum, Fire Times Magazine and NERC’s Knowledge for Wildfire project. The conference will focus on the theme of wildfire prevention and will bring together land managers, fire and rescue services, academic researchers, environmental organisations and policy-makers involved in the prevention and suppression of wildfires, both in the UK and overseas.

Conference announcement

  • Brochure (PDF 200 KB)


Call for presentations, posters and workshop sessions



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