Fire in the Earth System

MACC Open Science Conference

27-30 January 2014, Brussels, Belgium

MACC-II is organising an open science conference between Monday 27 January 2014 (early afternoon) and Thursday 30 January (noon) at theAcademie Royale de Belgique in Brussels. The conference will cover all the scientific areas of MACC-II as well as applications: greenhouse gases, reactive gases, aerosol, regional air quality, solar radiation.

The MACC-II Open Science Conference welcomes abstracts for oral presentations of 15 minutes, with a few minutes additional for questions. The programme will balance contributions from inside the MACC-II consortium and the wider international communities. This will be an excellent opportunity to review and discuss the current state-of-the-art regarding the research aspects of atmospheric environment monitoring and forecasting services such as those developed in Europe in the framework of the Copernicus programme and related international projects.

The Conference will be organised in three sessions. The first session will focus on specific events and forecasting (large fires, dust outbreaks, volcanic eruptions, air pollution episodes, field campaigns and other events); the second session will be about retrospective analyses, hind-casts and studies spanning a season or more (inversion of surface fluxes, aerosols, stratospheric chemistry, global tropospheric gases, regional air quality); the last session will be on applications such as impacts on health and ecosystems, solar radiation or advanced traffic and emissions management.

For more information see:


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