AGU Chapman Conference

       Synthesizing Empirical Results to Improve Predictions of
Post-wildfire Runoff and Erosion Responses

25-31 August 2013, YMCA of the Rockies, Estate Park, Colorado USA

The purpose of this Chapman Conference is to bring together experts from the field of post-wildfire research, the meteorological and hydrological modeling field, other fields of related research, and young career scientists: (1) to address current priority research issues facing the post-wildfire community, and (2) to synthesize the existing empirical data in a quantitative manner that will improve or provide additional post-wildfire model components.

This Chapman Conference will be held at the conference center at the YMCA Camp of the Rockies in Estes Park from 25-31 August 2013. The priority research issues are grouped into the following five topic sessions:

  • Organizational framework: Post-wildfire response domains
  • Precipitation: Meso-scale rainfall characterization
  • Infiltration: Effects of soil properties on infiltration
  • Runoff: Linking precipitation and runoff
  • Soil and sediment erosion and transport

There will be invited talks and posters as well as contributed talks and posters over the course of five days so that there will be ample time for in-depth discussions oriented toward resolving issues (see attached file: Post-wildfire Schedue.pdf). Two optional half-day field trips are planned: 1) a transect of post-wildfire response domains in the area, and 2) a visit to the National Center for Atmospheric Research that will highlight some current research related to post-wildfire responses. In addition, an optional all-day field trip is planned to collect data on burn severity and soil hydraulic properties.

Conference website:

Submitted Abstracts should address one of the priority research issues summarized in the attached file (PriorityResearch Issues.pdf).

        Abstract Deadline is 16 May 2013.

        Instructions for submitting the abstract are on the website shown above.

        Deadline for applying for a Travel Assistance Grant is 16 May 2013

For more information contact: John A. Moody,, 303-541-3011


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