International Meeting of Fire Effects on Soil Properties (FESP 4)

2-5 July 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania

Background and Invitation

Fire is a pervasive and worldwide phenomena. Since the second half of the XXth century due to land use and socio-economical changes, the number and area affected by severe wildfires is increasing, with important economical, social and environmental impacts, many of them unknown. However, fire is also a millenary tool used for thousand years by men to landscape management. Soil is the base for ecosystem sustainability and a heritage to preserve. It is the basis of ecological chain and the modifications of fire regime can have many negative impacts.

Following the first, second and third editions held in Barcelona (Spain), February 2007, by Grup de Recerca Ambiental Mediterrània (GRAM), in Marmaris (Turkey), February 2009, by Research Group on Fire Ecology (Hacettepe University), and in Guimarães, March 2011, respectively, the Mykolas Romeris University (Faculty of Politics and Management, Department of Environmental Policy) has the pleasure to announce the 4th International Meeting of Fire Effects on Soil Properties in July 2013. The aim of this meeting to bring together worldwide fire and soil researchers to contribute in the advance of the scientific knowledge of this interesting field of science, towards a sustainable development. We sincerely hope that this conference bring new ideas, contacts, and cultural experience in Lithuania.

Welcome to Vilnius, welcome to Lithuania  


  • Fire Effects on Hydrology and Soil Physical Properties
  • Fire Effects on Organic Matter Content, Soil Chemical and Biological Properties
  • Soil Recovery after Fires
  • New Methodologies to study Fire Effects on Soil
  • Fire Intensity and Fire Severity Measurements
  • Ash Properties and Effects on Soil
  • Fire Management and Society


Organizing committee

Paulo Pereira (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania)

Pranas Mierauskas (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania)

Xavier Úbeda (University of Barcelona, Spain)

Jorge Mataix-Solera (Miguel Hernández University, Spain)

Artemi Cerdà (University of Valencia, Spain)

Antonio Jordán (University of Sevilla, Spain)

Ieva Misiūnė (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania)


Mykolas Romeris University
Environmental Policy Department
Ateities g. 20
LT-08303 Vilnius

Tel:      +370-2-714551

Conference website


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