4th Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference
4th Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference
17-19 May 2011
Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A.
The theme of this conference will be Managing Oak Woodlands & Savannas in the Forest-Prairie Region. The conference will feature 16 invited presentations and additional offered posters by scientists and managers on a wide range of topics including:
The 4th Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference will be held at the University Plaza Hotel in Springfield, Missouri. The Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference is a major symposium focused on fire in oak forests, woodlands and savannas where noted experts in research and management gather to present state-of-the-art information, perspectives and synthesis on key issues. The conference is held once every three to five years with the most-recent conferences held in Carbondale, Illinois (2008), Columbus, Ohio (2005), and Richmond, KY (2000). This symposium will emphasize topics relevant to management of oak-dominated forests, woodlands and savannas and will be a great interest to managers, scientists, landowners, consultants and students.
The theme of this conference will be Managing Oak Woodlands & Savannas in the Forest-Prairie Region. The conference will feature 16 invited presentations and additional offered posters by scientists and managers on a wide range of topics including:
Restoring oak woodlands and savannas in the Cross Timbers Region, the Ozark Highlands, and Midwestern landscapes
Natural and fire history of the Ozark Highland Region
Human history, culture, and fire-use in the Ozark Highland Region
The history and current use of fire in natural resource public agencies in the Midwest
Patch grazing in woodlands and savannas to simulate the role of large ungulates
Ecosystem services and climate change adaptation
The role of fire in the southern Appalachian Region during the Holocene
Fire effects on bats and reptiles
Managing woodlands and savannas for songbirds
Invasive species in woodland and savanna restoration
Wildlife habitat restoration and maintenance
There will be a day of speakers, a field trip day, followed by a final day of speakers. See the Program and Field Trip pages for more information.
Conference Website: http://muconf.missouri.edu/easternfire/