RFSA Conference 2010

18-20 June 2010

Rydges Lakeside Canberra

 RFSA Conference 2010 is Australia’s leading conference for anyone with an interest in practical bushfire fighting issues, covering hazard reduction, communications, community relations, the fireline, technology, recovery and volunteer issues. It is the year’s outstanding opportunity for information sharing between volunteer firefighters, staff from volunteer fire fighting agencies, public servants with an interest in emergency services management, local emergency managers, and academics with a specific interest in practical bushfire fighting.  Program
The RFSA Conference 2010 is developing into an interesting and thought provoking program covering topics including practical bushfire fighting issues, hazard reduction, communications, community relations, the fireline, technology, recovery and volunteer issues.

RFSA Conference website: http://www.rfsaconference.org.au/default.asp

For all Conference enquiries, please contact the Conference Managers: RFSA Conference 2010 Managers

arinexpty limited
GPO Box 128,
Sydney NSW 2001 Australia

Level 10, 51 Druitt St,
Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Ph: +61 2 9265 0700
Fax: +61 2 9267 5443
Email: rfsaconference@arinex.com.au



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