GlobEmissions User Consultation Workshop

GlobEmissions User Consultation Workshop

26-27 November 2009, Frascati, Italy

Emissions of pollutants to the ambient environment are at the origin of atmospheric pollution issues. Emission inventories provide important information on magnitude, type of activity, time evolution and the spatial coverage of the estimated emissions. These inventories are developed for use in scientific applications as input in urban, regional, continental or global scale models, and for use by the policy makers in order to evaluate progress towards emission abatement measures, and decide on future strategies. Several emission inventories are in use: EDGAR, EMEP, INTEX-B, REAS-Asia, GEIA, and GFED to name a few.

Most emission inventories used in modeling are bottom-up, based on the statistics on transport, factory production, population etc.. Unfortunately, these bottom-up emission inventories are released quite irregularly and cover usually a fixed time period. Recently many studies are published about top-down emission inventories, which are based on the satellite observation of air constituents. Although not many are currently used in modeling activities, these top-down inventories can quite easily be frequently updated. This might turn out to be major advantage when considering the recent rapid changes in emissions caused by e.g. economic growth in Asia, new filtering techniques in power plants, traffic measures during the Olympic Games and the recent economical crisis world-width.

In this GlobEmissions User Consultation workshop the requirements from a widely-varied user community for top-down emission inventories will be discussed. These requirements will include the covered regions, up-date frequency, type of atmospheric constituents and temporal and spatial resolution.

The workshop format will consist of 30-minute oral presentations including discussions. Special focus will be on the regions East-Asia, India, South-Africa and Europe. The workshop will be held on 26-27 November 2009, at the Flora Hotel in Frascati, Italy. There will be a maximum of about 50 participants.

If you would like to participate in the workshop, please send an email
Deadline for notification of interest: 15 October 2009

Final agenda for the GlobEmissions User Consultation

Dr. Ronald van der A (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, KNMI)
Dr. Michel Van Roozendael (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, BIRA-IASB)
Dr. Claus Zehner (European Space Agency, ESA/ESRIN)



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