Aerial Fire Fighting, California 2009

Aerial Fire Fighting, California

19 – 20 February 2009, Anaheim, California

 The Conference is organized by Tangent Link in association with:
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Response (UN-ISDR)
Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC)
International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF)

North America is probably the most integrated aerial firefighting community on the planet and international aerial firefighters and governments have much to learn from USA & Canadian wildfire fighting experiences. With Central & South America also growing their capabilities to safeguard their tropical forests, savannahs and agricultural lands from wildfire this massive region of the Americas is a hotbed of aerial firefighting aircraft, technologies, tactics, and operational experience.

Following the slipstream of its sister event in Athens, Greece, the Aerial Firefighting USA conference and exhibition is the first dedicated event on the American continent to address both the fixed and rotary winged elements of aerial firefighting at a global level. Lessons learned will be highlighted from USA, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, with contributions from Asia including Taiwan, South Korea and Japan and experiences from Europe and many other countries under attack from wildfires on an annual basis.

Recent years have seen operational tragedies and a call for the raising of safety and operational standards has become paramount. This conference will apportion credible time to this subject, as well as operational, tactical and financial issues – it will also touch upon the wider issue of the use of aircraft, particularly helicopters, to attack fires occurring in high-rise buildings.

The Exhibition

A dedicated exhibition will be taking place for relevant companies. The exhibition area is situated right next to the main Conference Room for the convenience of delegates. It will be set up as a series of 3m x 2 m raw space areas, in which you may place a pop-up. All the delegate hospitality (coffee breaks, lunches, cocktail reception etc) will take place in this area to maximize the networking opportunities.

The Package includes:

  • Allowance for 2 x exhibit booth personnel
  • Reduced delegate rates for other exhibitor personnel

The floor plan is available on request. Spaces are allocated on a strictly first-come-first-served basis. Should your organization wish to exhibit please contact:
Geraldine McKenzie at

Panel Sessions

Two-panel sessions will be hosted at the conference. Subjects are being sought. A panel session provides an opportunity for the exploration of current issues and emerging opportunities. It offers an interactive forum that engages panelists and audiences in a lively discussion of important and often controversial issues. Our main aim is that the panels should be lively, interactive, informative and relevant. The issues, panelists and their positions should be controversial to raise interest. The panel must transmit a clear message. A successful panel has three main components: a topic, a format, and the panelists. A panel is a team effort. Thus, while its topic is important, good coordination, execution, and management are vital for success. A simple abstract or set of abstracts is not sufficient. A panel is a discussion between several characters. Panelists should naturally be experts in their topic but must also be lively and controversial. Choose a mix of panelists that don’t all hold the same opinions. Should you wish to submit a subject for consideration please contact Ben Drew at

Sponsored Workshops

A workshop is a series of educational and work sessions. Small groups of people meet together over a short period of time to concentrate on a defined area of concern. Typically they last approximately 2 hours.

Purposes for workshops may vary, but examples include:

  • Informing
  • Problem Solving
  • Training

We are offering conference participants, rooms set up with audiovisual systems and refreshments at a reasonable rate. Should you or your organization be interested in holding a workshop please contact Ben Drew at

The Venue

Crowne Plaza Anaheim Resort
12021 Harbor Boulevard
Garden Grove, California 92840-4001

Please also see the web page of the First International Aerial Firefighting Conference held in Greece, 21-22 October 2008:

Anaheim Conference Report

 The Anaheim report is available and published ex post on this announcement web page:

A few visual Impressions of the Conference

The conference provided an opportunity to exchange with operators and the crew of the 10 Tanker (DC-10) – technology visits and test drops. 


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