14th Conference of the International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA)
14thConference of the InternationalBoreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA)
22-27 September 2008, Harbin, China
As one of the largest terrestrial biome in the world, the boreal forest plays an important role in the social, economic and cultural development of northern countries by providing multiple uses. It has experienced radical changes in climate, vegetation and fauna during its relatively short evolution history. Particularly, the ongoing global warming which is exerting a significant impact on boreal forest biome, such as permafrost melting, changes in phenology and growth of vegetation, increased wildfire and insect disturbances, and changes in wildlife population and migration. These consequences directly or indirectly influence the sustainable development of these regions.
The International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA) was formed in 1991 to meet the ecological and environmental challenges currently confronted by the boreal regions. Its mission is to “promote and co-ordinate research to increase the understanding of the role of the circumpolar boreal forest in the global environment and the effects of environmental change upon that role.” Since its creation, the IBFRA has held well-attended international scientific conferences every two years globally. It is the first time for the IBFRA to hold an international scientific conference in Asia. Past conferences have focused on such critical issues as global change, biodiversity, climate change, disturbances and the global carbon cycle, making a significant contribution to the sustainable development of boreal regions.
Northeast China possesses huge forest resources, accounting for 1/3 of the forest area and standing volume in all of China. The forest plays an important role in the forestry, ecology, and environment here in China and globally. The 14th IBFRA conference in Harbin, China, will be of significance in promoting scientific research, sustainable development and international cooperation on boreal forestry and ecological research.
Conference objectives
- To present the current understanding of boreal forest ecology and management, advances in research methodologies in the boreal regions.
- To discuss crucial ecological and environmental issues and strategies regarding resource conservation, global change, biodiversity, climate change, disturbances, carbon cycling, social-economic-ecological development.
- To bring a circumpolar perspective to research initiatives, and enhance collaboration and exchange among countries or regions in the boreal forest.
Side Meeting of the IBFRA Wildland Fire Working Group
This is to announce an informal meeting by the Fire Working Group to take place on 25 September 2008 as part of the 14th International Boreal Forest Research Association Conference in Harbin, China. A global understanding of boreal fire is essential for addressing problems associated with enhancing carbon storage and forest sustainability, and for minimizing any negative impacts of fire on environment and ecosystem health. The aim of this meeting is to:
- Identify on-going international wildland fire research projects and their results,
- Identify future needs in wildland fire research, and
- Provide a forum where wildland fire researchers can meet and foster new relationships in international collaboration.
Those interested in presenting an oral presentation for this working group meeting should submit a maximum 300-word abstract in English by 31 July 2008 to the convener of the Fire Working Group (contact details below). Depending upon this response, it is expected that speakers will be given 15-20 minutes to give their presentations. Since we are expecting to provide time for all the presenters that submit an abstract, all presenters will be notified by August 31 of the meetings agenda.
- 14th IBFRA Conference Second Circular (May 2008)
- 14th IBFRA Conference Third Circular (September 2008)
IBFRA Fire Working Group convener:
Douglas J. McRae
Government of Canada
Natural Resources Canada
Canadian Forest Service
1219 Queen St. E.
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
P6A 2E5
Tel: +1-705-541-5539
Fax: +1-705-541-5701
E-mail: DMcRae@NRCan.gc.ca
IBFRA Conference Website: