

Workshop on Social Science Research and Bushfire

11-12 August 2003 Mt Macedon



” An opportunity for social science researchers todiscuss current disaster research especially methodological and conceptualissues.”

The Bushfire CRC will just be getting underway, so firewill be a major theme.

Sessions will include communities, understanding risk, socialand economic assessment and a number of cross cutting issues such asvolunteerism.

Domestic air travel and accommodation costs will be covered byEMA. 

Places are limited.

Please send brief expressions (approx 100 words) of interestto Heidi Ellemor at with a brief outline of yourresearch interests and contact details by Friday 30th May.


Dr Heidi Ellemor
Senior Education Officer
Emergency Management Australia Institute
Mt Macedon Rd
Mt Macedon VIC 3441

ph 03 5421 5288
fax 03 5421 5272
mobile 0408 199605 


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