
FourthInternational Workshop

RemoteSensing and GIS Applications to Forest Fire Management:

Innovativeconcepts and methods

5-7June 2003, Ghent University, Ghent – Belgium


The EARSeL ForestFire Special Interest Group (FFSIG) will organise the Fourth Internationalworkshop on Remote Sensing and GIS Applications to Forest Fire Management on 6-7June 2003, following the EARSeL General Symposium in Ghent. This conference willfollow on from three previous workshops held in Alcalá de Henares (1995),Coimbra (1998) and Paris (2001) by the SIG group. The main topic of the workshopwill be the application of new methods of image interpretation to fireprevention, detection of active fires and burned land mapping.
Special emphasis will be devoted to global and regional approaches, and to theintegration of high and low-resolution data. Innovations coming from newsensors, such as lidar, hyperspectral and high-spatial resolution instrumentswill be reviewed.

This workshop will beco-organised by the Global Observation of Forest Cover (GOFC-GOLD) FireImplementation Team (


The basic activity ofthe FFSIG is to establish personal contacts among researchers interested in theapplication of remote sensing and GIS technologies to forest fire research.Within this context, this workshop will serve as a forum for discussion and forsharing ideas and technical experience in this field of research. Specialemphasis will be devoted to new interpretation techniques to improve thephysical interpretation of remote sensing images, and to the integration ofdifferent sensors.

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