4th Int workshops on Disturbance Dynamics
4thInternational Workshop on Disturbance
Dynamics in Boreal Forests
DisturbanceProcesses and Their Ecological Effects in Boreal Forests
Universityof Northern British Columbia
PrinceGeorge, British Columbia, Canada, 9-14 August 2002
This Workshop seriesdeveloped out of the interests of the Working Group on Disturbance Dynamics inBoreal Forests of the International Association of Vegetation Science. In 2002the Workshop will focus on understanding disturbance processes and theirecological effects. We seek to develop a better understanding of how disturbanceoperates, the effects of different types of disturbance, and the mechanisms bywhich disturbance influences boreal forests. All types of natural forestdisturbance are of interest as well as anthropogenic disturbance. All types ofecological effects in boreal forests are of interest (vegetation, wildlife,ecosystem processes). The Workshop will include four full days of presentationsand workshops and one mid-Workshop field Day.
The conference homepageis:
Detailed information onsymposia and sessions that include fire disturbance can be found at:
Conference Contacts
Conference content,agenda:
S. Ellen Macdonald
Department of RenewableResources
University of Alberta
Earth Sciences Bldg. 4-42
Edmonton, Alberta
Tel: ++1-780-492-3070
Fax: ++1-780-492-1767
e-mail: BorealDist@afhe.ualberta.ca
Registration, payment,meals:
Jennifer Studney
Conference & EventsServices
University of Northern BC
3333 University Way
Prince George, BritishColumbia
Tel: ++1-250-960-5520
Fax: ++1-250-960-6432
e-mail: studney@unbc.ca