sea meeting
S.E. Asia FireCalibration / Validation Workshop
22-24 January 2002,Phuket, Thailand
Aspecial session of the Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) Earth Monitoring andDisaster Warning Working Group (EM-WG).
The Global Observation of Forest Cover (GOFC) Fire S.E. Asia Fire Cal/Val efforthas been developed in close collaboration with the CEOS Land Product ValidationWorking Group, the Program to address ASEAN Regional Transboundary Smoke (PARTS)and the APAN EM-WG.
Satellite observations of active fires and burn scars may provide data useful inthe monitoring and forecasting of disasters from fires, especially during thedry season caused by climate variability. However, little is known about thevalidity and accuracy of the various products and how they might be usedtogether for an improved depiction of fire events.
The objective of the January workshop is to initiate and plan theinter-comparison, calibration, and validation of active fire and burn scarproducts from primary systems capable of making wide area coverage observationsin S.E. Asia. The regional GOFC Fire network has an important contribution inevaluating the satellite fire products and provides feedback to the dataproducers on the utility of the products for regional use. Issues associatedwith the access and delivery of the validation data and ideas from the CEOSWGISS will be discussed. The systems to be considered include the near real timeimages from MODIS, AVHRR, DMSP (and others?). The value of high spatial resolution data sources (Landsat, SPOT, ASTERand others) in providing active fire detection and burn scar mapping”ground-truth” will be evaluated.
SESSIONONE 22 January 2002 (full day)
Reviewresults from pilot cal/val study and discussions of data sources and methods foractive fire and burn scar cal/val for broad area coverage satelliteobservations.
The pilot cal/val study will be on fire events during a one month time period (2February 2000 to 5 March 2000) in an area in Northern Thailand specified by theLandsat path/row 131/47. We have a pair of low cloud cover Landsat 7 scenes for131/47 spanning the study period. Topics to be covered include the following. These will be addressed using data fromthe pilot, plus ad hoc evidence or findings from outside the pilot.
Sources of Ground Truth Data
- Under what conditions and with what methods can burn scar maps be produced in the region using Landsat 7 data, SPOT or ASTER data?
- Can “ground truth” on active fires in the region be extracted from Landsat 7, SPOT or ASTER data?
- Discussion of other sources of ground truth data.
- How well do the cumulative active fire detections from course resolution environmental satellites match the location and extent of burn scar observed at high spatial resolution over the one month time period.
- How well do the cumulative burn scar detections from course resolution environmental satellites match the location and extent of burn scar observed at high spatial resolution over a one month time period.
FireRisk Predictions
- How well do fire risk predictions match the fire observations (active fires and burn scars).
SESSIONTWO 23 January 2002 (two hours)
Planningthe continuation of the cal/val studies in S.E. Asia. This will include acontinuation of the collections in Thailand (Landsat path/rows 131/47 and130/49) for the January-April, 2002 and to-be-selected areas in Indonesia /Malaysia during July-October, 2002.
SESSIONTHREE 24 January 2002 (two hours)
Plan thepreparation of workshop report to GOFC. Discuss preparation of a peer reviewmanuscript on pilot cal/val study results.
For more information about APAN and the January meeting see: (Meetings)
See also:
For moreinformation on this GOFC-Fire event please feel free to contact the GFMC ( or ChrisElvidge, NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (