GFMC: Fourth Symposium on Fire & Forest Meteorology; 13-15 November 2001, Reno Nevada, USA
Fourth Symposium on Fire & Forest Meteorology
13-15 November 2001, Reno Nevada, USA
Share experiences and new or changing techniques and technologies in:
- Coupled fire-atmosphere modeling
- Mesoscale meteorological models
- Next generation fire danger rating system
- Fire weather forecasting
- Mid- and long-range forecasting for fire control and fire use planning
- Climate predictions for fuels planning and wildfire preparedness
- Smoke management and air quality
- Fire behavior assessment and prediction
- Impacts weather and climate on new fire policy, haze rule, and NAAQS
Abstracts due June 1, 2001
For details check: or January 2001 Bulletin of AMS
The theme of the symposium will be to share experiences, new techniques and technologies and/or changes in the areas of:
- coupled fire-atmosphere modeling;
- use of mesoscale meteorological models for short-range fire planning, including, but not limited to, application of the next generation fire danger rating system;
- use and development of weather forecasts for prescribed fire planning and execution;
- techniques in smoke management and air quality mitigation related to the new national fire policy and the EPA PM2.5 standards;
- mid- and long-range forecasting for fire control and fire use planning;
- operational and near-operational fire weather forecasting techniques^Öuse of new technologies and resources;
- weather applications for operational fire behavior assessment and forecasts;
- use and assessment of climate forecasts in fire management planning;
- impacts of weather and climate on wildfire and;
- utilization of weather and climate information for wildfire decision-making.
A joint session may be held with and organized by the AMS Committee on Societal Impacts. Participants with additional suggestions for the program are encouraged to contact the program chairpersons.
Please submit your abstract electronically via the Web by 1 June 2001 (refer to the AMS Web page at for instructions). An abstract fee of $60 (payable by credit card or purchase order) is charged at the time of submission (refundable only if the abstract is not accepted). Authors of accepted presentations will be notified (via e-mail) by mid July. A preprint volume is being prepared and authors of invited and accepted papers will be asked to contribute to this volume. Instructions for formatting extended manuscripts for the preprint volumewill be posted on the AMS Web site. Camera ready manuscripts (page length to be determined), including photos and diagrams, must be submitted by 24 August 2001 to AMS Headquarters. Page charges will be assessed to defray printing costs. Registrants will receive a preprint volume at the conference.
For further program information contact either one of the Program Co chairpersons:
Tim Brown
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway,
Reno, NV 89512-1095 USA
Tel: ++1 775-674-7090
Fax: ++1 775-674-7016;
Sue Ferguson
Forestry Sciences Lab
4043 Roosevelt Way NE,
Seattle, WA 98105-6497 USA
Tel: ++1 206-732-7828
Fax: ++1 206-732-7801
e-mail: sferguson@fs.fed