USA: Fire Conference 2000 – The First National Congress on Fire Ecology, Prevention, and Management
Fire Conference 2000:
The First National Congress on Fire Ecology,
Prevention, and Management
27 November – 1 December 2000
Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA
presented by:
Joint Fire Science Program
California Association for Fire Ecology
International Association of Wildland Fire
Tall Timbers Research Station
in cooperation with
University Extension, University of California, Davis
The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP), California Association for Fire Ecology (CAFE), Tall Timbers Research Station (TTRS) and the International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF) in cooperation with University Extension, University of California, Davis (UCD) are inviting submission of abstracts for oral presentations, workshops, posters, vendors, new technology and hands-on demonstrations for the First National Congress on Fire Ecology, Prevention and Management. Organizations and associations are also encouraged to hold related meetings which can be worked into the conference or function independently during parts of the conference.
Fire research and management are greatly changing and the tasks of the fire management organizations are much broader than they were just a few years ago. Fire management is now in the forefront of natural resource management and land management planning nationwide, and fire related issues are more complex each year. Research is developing rapidly to provide both a basic understanding of fire in ecosystems and to meet the growing management needs. We feel that it is important for channels of communication to be open, and for everyone to develop a greater understanding of a much bigger picture than they have needed in the past. One way of facilitating this change is to assemble the separate specialized groups of fire researchers and managers in a common conference that can offer both big picture overviews and specialized workshops, symposia and meetings that meet the needs of the specialities.
Perhaps the most important reason to hold a national conference is to work toward a broadly based, multi-disciplined, multi- perspective fire community with better communications and interactions between groups that are currently disconnected or communicating ineffectively. It is not the intent of this congress to completely replace more specialized conferences, symposia or workshops, but to provide another option with greater and easier access to a national forum, and to promote interaction.
JFSP, CAFE, IAWF, TTRS and UCD have successfully developed fire conferences over the past few years. These conferences have been highly successful in bringing together individuals from federal, state and local researchers and fire managers, non-governmental organizations, as well as university researchers and students. It is anticipated that this conference can build on these successes by combining resources and expanding the scope of the conference to include several topics at a national scale.
Concurrent Symposia and Workshops
Papers will be accepted for oral presentations, posters, workshops, technical and hands-on demonstrations in the following areas:
Social and Economic Aspects of Fire
Fire Prevention/Education
Wildland Fire Use
Fire and Air Quality/Smoke Management
Fire History
Applying Fire in Ecosystem and Habitat Restoration
Invasive Species and Fire
Wildlife Fire Interactions
Fire and Watershed, Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems
Fire Meteorology/Climatology
Ecosystem Management
Fire and Insect and Pathogen Interactions
Technology, Poster and Vendor Fair
It is anticipated that the papers will range from applied management projects to national programs and theoretical research, and will represent all of the geographic regions of the United States. We are also interested in developing sessions and invite proposals for cooperative sessions with additional organizations and associations.
Oral Presentation, Poster, Vendor, Hands-on Demonstration and Technology Fair
All abstracts are to be submitted by June 1, 2000.
Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words in length and include the title, authors’ names and affiliations. For all presentations, workshops and exhibits, clearly state the presenter’s/exhibitor’s name and contact information. Also include the primary and secondary track it is most associated with.
Please submit all abstracts to Sandra Cooper via e-mail to or mail a hardcopy and a disk copy to her at:
Sandra Cooper
University Extension
UC Davis
1333 Research Park Drive, #271
Davis, CA 95616
You may also submit your abstract on the Web at
Requests for Meeting Space
For information on scheduling attached meetings, contact Neil Sugihara by 1 June 2000 at (916) 364-2854. Meeting space is limited and will fill quickly, so please respond early.
You may also request meeting space on the Web at
Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 291-7131
Enrollment Fee and Deadline
Pre-enrollment is requested by November 13, 2000.
Choose from two options:
Enroll in section 002U631. The enrollment fee of $325 includes all conference materials, socials, admission in the exhibit area, the proceedings and three lunches.
Enroll in section 002U632. The enrollment fee of $275 includes all conference materials, socials, admission in the exhibit area, and the preceedings. Lunches are not included.
Presenters and exhibitors who want to attend the conference presentations must pay the full enrollment fee and register accordingly.
To enroll call (800)752-0881. From Davis or Woodland call 757-8777. Online registration will be available at a later date.
This conference offers 2.6 continuing education units (CEU) through University Extension. CEU’s are nationally recognized means of recording noncredit study. They are accepted by many employers as evidence of a serious commitment to career advancement and professional competence. Approval for the Society of American Foresters (SAF) and the Wildlife Society is pending.
For More Information
For more updated information see the CAFE website at If you have any technical questions, please feel free to contact Neil Sugihara, USDA Forest Service at (916) 364-2854 or Tim Sexton at (208) 861-5043. For more logistical and/or registration information, call Sandra Cooper at the Land Use and Natural Resources office, University Extension, University of California, Davis, at (530) 757-8948 or e-mail her at
For detailed and rugularly updated information, please visit the homepage of “Fire Conference 2000: The First National Congress on Fire Ecology and Management”.