France: First Announcement and Call for Papers 1st International Symposium, 26 and 27 October 2000, Martignas sur Jalle

First Announcement and Call for Papers
1st International Symposium

26 and 27 October 2000, Martignas sur Jalle, France

Because our forests burn too often, the DEMETER association, in partnership with the french authorities has decided to organize the first international symposium and show dedicated to the struggle against forest fires arial means. This exhibition will meet authorities and specialists of 40 countries concerned by fires, that will come to present and debate theirs technics of prevention and treatment of fires. The means uphill and downstream will also be presented as : teledetection, specialized data processing, communications, dropping products, padding equipment, etc…
All elements constituting « the system » will be represented by, authorizing some cultural and commercial exchanges between institutions and suppliers of products and services.
The show and the symposium will take place on 26 and 27 October 2000, on the military site of the city of Martignas, 20 km west of Bordeaux, where more than 5000 square meters will be opened to congress participants and exhibitors. Interested individuals are kindly invited to complete the registration form for the symposium and/or the show and to return it as soon as possible since the number of place being limited.

For detailed and rugularly updated information, please visit the homepage of the 1st International Symposium.


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