09-10 November 2022, Belfast, United Kingdom

The UK Wildfire Conference “The Human Dimension” will take place in, Belfast. This event will bring together various agencies who work on this topic, with delegates and speakers ranging from professional firefighters, land managers, academics, researchers and government officials. Although a national conference, it will have speakers from around the world, ensuring we learn from what is happening elsewhere in terms of wildfires and their human impact and consequences.

Wildfires continue to be a major threat with devastating consequences, not just for the physical environments they destroy, but also for the lives, livelihoods and, in many cases, homes they put at risk. This event will facilitate the sharing of current best practice in tackling wildfires and managing the serious human impacts left in their wake. It will also showcase emerging themes that have been informed by the best knowledge and experience from the UK and internationally.

The conference will focus on the six sub themes:

  • Communication – between agencies, communities, individuals and government
  • Leadership – who leads the changes required and how
  • Behaviour – managing and changing behaviours
  • Health and Land Management – tackling new and emerging wildfire health and land management issues
  • Demographics – shifting populations and risks impacting wildfires
  • Partnerships – managing relationships across different sectors.

Conference website:

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