Aerial Firefighting Conference 2011


Aerial Firefighting Conference

Defining and executing the correct path for future US Aerial Firefighting operations

25-26 May 2011

Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

This highly successful event for the Aerial Firefighting community is traveling to the USA at the end of May and will be the seventh in the series. The event will review the current trends in controlling wildland fires from the air and how this is likely to influence the future make up of the next generation of aerial firefighting assets and funding that will be required.

There has been a considerable increase in the size and frequency of wildland fires in the past decade resulting in many acres burned, large numbers of homes lost and other critical structures destroyed. At least seven US states have recently had the worst wildfires in their history. The Station Fire Enquiry has further intensified the debate on how should the US better prepare itself to tackle ‘Mega’ fires.

This Aerial Firefighting event will address the current challenges the US faces in dealing with the increasing problem of combating these fires and debate how we define and execute the correct path in going forward.

Discussion topics

  • How do we calculate and what are the real costs in tackling wildland fires in the USA?
  • Should there be a new Federal lead agency in prioritising and resolving wildland fire assets, resources and funding?
  • Is there a need for more research and development activities in finding better solutions for combating ‘Mega’ wildland fires?
  • Which aircraft are in development that could be used to combat these fires?
  • Would the use of Military technologies enable for a more direct and responsive approach to combating fires, including night time operations?
  • Technical advances and solutions in development
  • What is the correct mix of aerial assets in combating fires and should there be a centralised aerial firefighting squadron?
  • What is the best approach in training aerial firefighting teams in new tactics and technologies?

Confirmed Speakers include

  • Tom Harbour – Director of USDA Forest Service Fire & Aviation Management
  • Norman Christensen, Professor of Ecology, Duke University, North Carolina: Fire Management- Past, Present & Future
  • William Derr, Special Agent in Charge of California Region, US Forest Service (Retd): The Elements of Success & Measurement in Aerial Fire Fighting
  • Robert L Cavage, President, Wildfire Research Network, USA: Can we stop Megafires?
  • Brent Keith, Western Forestry Leadership Coalition: The True Cost of Wildfire in the Western U.S
  • Flame Act Panel Session: Cohesive Strategy for Wildland Fire Management

Participation Options
To Sponsor or Exhibit at this World-leading event, or for further information, please contact:
Rebecca Covey
Business Development Executive
Fax: +44-1628 660 622

Washington D.C. Conference Report

The Washington conference report is available and published ex post on this announcement web page:

Please see the web pages of the previous International Aerial Firefighting Conferences, including the conference reports:


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