





The Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Watershed Stewardship (FRWS) at Colorado State University is seeking applications for a faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in wildland fire science.  This is a 9-month, tenure-track position with teaching, research, and service responsibilities, beginning January 2005.


Applicants must hold[1] a Ph.D. degree with emphasis in wildland fire science or a related area.  The position requires demonstrated or potential success in research (including securing external funding and producing scholarly publications) and in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels.  Desired qualifications include expertise in quantitative methods (e.g., field sampling, modeling, GIS, or remote sensing), practical experience with wildland fire, interest in working with public and private land managers, and potential for intellectual leadership.


The faculty member will provide leadership to our wildland fire science program, serve on committees, and perform other duties normally associated with academic appointments.

Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate courses in fire science and management.  The faculty member also will advise undergraduate and graduate students. 

Research responsibilities include development of an externally-funded research program focused on wildland fire science and management.  The research program will involve graduate students and lead to publications in scientific journals.  

Responsibilities for outreach and professional service include participation on university committees, and fostering relationships with public agencies, industry, the forestry profession, and other sectors of the public interested in wildland fire.

Salary:  Commensurate with qualifications.

The Institutional Setting:

The Department of Forest, Rangeland and Watershed Stewardship is one of four academic departments in the College of Natural Resources.  We offer undergraduate majors in forestry, natural resources management, rangeland ecology, and watershed science.  Graduate education includes M.S., M.F., and Ph.D. degrees. A fire science concentration is available to undergraduates through the forestry major.  Faculty and students engaged in a wide spectrum of research in fire behavior, ecology, hydrology, and management.  Many of these projects are in collaboration with state and federal research and management agencies.  For more information see the College of Natural Resources website ( 

Fort Collins is a nationally recognized center with many federal and state research and management agencies, including the new federal Natural Resources Research Center, Colorado State Forest Service, USGS Mid-continent Ecological Science Center, US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Experiment Station, and Colorado Division of Wildlife.

Application Procedure: 

Applicants should submit a statement of research and teaching interests and qualifications, a resume, and contact information for at least three references (who will only be contacted with the approval of the candidate).  Additional supporting information (e.g., reprints of publications) is welcome.

Send all materials to:    Dr. William Romme
                                   Chair, Search Committee
                                   Department of Forest, Rangeland and Watershed Stewardship
                                   Colorado State University
                                   Fort Collins, CO  80523-1472

                                   Phone:  970-491-2870, FAX:  970-491-6754

Applications will be considered until the position is filled.  However, applications should be submitted by March 1, 2004 for full consideration.  E-mailed applications are acceptable.

Ethnic minorities and women are encouraged to apply.  Colorado State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and complies with all Federal and Colorado State laws, regulations and executive orders regarding affirmative action requirements.  The Office of Equal Opportunity is located in Room 101 Student Services Building.  In order to assist Colorado State in meeting its affirmative action responsibilities, ethnic minorities, women and other protected class members are encouraged to apply and to so identify themselves.

[1] Doctoral candidates will be considered provided that their degree will be completed at the time of scheduled hire.  Clear evidence of timely completion must be provided and verified.
