Third International Symposium on Fire Ecology
Part I: Europe – Fire in Ecosystem Dynamics

Freiburg, Germany, 16-17 May 1989

The Third Symposium on Fire Ecology in Europe was held at Freiburg University in May 1989. The symposium followed the First Symposium in 1977and the Second Symposium in 1983, which were also organized by Johann Georg Goldammer, Leader of the Fire Ecology Research Group, and Jean-Pierre Vité, Director of the Institute of Forest Zoology, Faculty of Forest Sciences, Freiburg University. The Symposium was sponsored by the Volkswagen Foundation.

Note: In 1979, the Fire Ecology Research Group was established at Freiburg University. In 1990, the Fire Ecology Research Group transited to the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Sciences, Max Planck institute for Chemistry, as a joint venture with Freiburg University. In 1998, the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) was formally established at the Fire Ecology Research Group.

In 1977 and 1983 the first European Symposiums had created a communication platform for wildland fire scientists at a time when the concept of fire ecology was not yet recognized and established in Europe. Meanwhile the scientific interest and the public demanded more and reliable scientific information about the role of fire in ecosystem processes. After the second Symposium l983 it was timely to update information on recent research activities. In the first part of the Symposium (European sessions) most contributions deal with fire impact on soil and site and the fire effects on Mediterranean vegetation. The papers presented by researchers from overseas countries are necessary complements for our state of knowledge.

Conference Proceedings

Goldammer, J.G., and M.J. Jenkins (eds.) 1990. Fire in Ecosystem Dynamics. Mediterranean and Northern Perspectives. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, 199 p.

Contribution by the Fire Ecology Research Group

Vivid scientific discussions during the Symposium. Left. Louis Trabaud (France); right:Johann Georg Goldammer (convener).

Samuel Peñafiel (The Philippines), Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt (Germany) and Wolfgang Werner (Germany) in discussion.
From left to right: Malcolm Gill (Australia), Domingos Viegas (Portugal) and Francisco Castro Rego (Portugal) exchanging.
Left: Jacob Garty (Israel) discussing the specific problems of wildfires in the Mt. Carmel ecosystems.

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