GFMC Bibliography / References on Landscape Fires:
Classical Textbooks, Monographs, Guidelines and Links to Online Sources
Since 2023, FAO and UNEP are co-developing a Global Fire Management Hub. The aim of the Global Fire Management Hub is to strengthen countries’ capacities to implement integrated fire management with the major impact of reducing the many negative effects of wildfires on people, landscapes, and global climate. In 2023, the FAO and GFMC agreed to transition the online repository of GFMC to the Global Fire Management Hub and close partnership with the Global Wildland Fire Network and the Regional Fire Management Resource Centers
- FAO preliminary website addressing the initiation of the Global Fire Management Hub
- GFMC post on Cooperation between GFMC and FAO (since 1985)
In context of the revision of the FAO Fire Management Voluntary Guidelines (published in 2006, in revision in 2024), the GFMC is providing this compilation of bibliographic references and online source of landscape fire ecology and management, Integrated Fire Management (IFM), fire history and prehistory of landscape fire and global change / climate change.
Online Libray of the Wildland Fire Research Institute
Previously known as Fire Research Institute, its name was changed in 2022 to Wildland Fire Research Institute (WFRI). It was founded in 1983 to benefit research in fire across the globe. WFRI is a not-for-profit wildland fire library. WFRI is managing a database of approximately 150,000 citations on all the topics related to landscape fires:
The Tall Timbers E.V. Komarek Fire Ecology Database
The donation of personal research collections from E. V. Komarek and Herbert L. Stoddard, who were two of the key founders of Tall Timbers, was the original impetus for the Tall Timbers Board of Trustees to mandate creation of a computerized bibliographic database. Since its inception in 1987, the database has been continually expanded under the direction of the Tall Timbers library. Although international in scope, the database emphasizes the southeastern United States, the USA, and North America. Historical and current works are included. Currently, there are over 30,000 citations in the database.
Monographs and textbooks
The following monographs and textbooks include numerous references to journal publications including grey literature. Some are available as open-source digital versions and are marked with a URL for online access through the digital version of the FAO Fire Management Voluntary Guidelines. Others are available in libraries or, on demand, as print and digital versions by the publishing houses.
Fire ecology
- Bond, W.J. & van Wilgen, B.W. 1996. Fire and plants. Population and Community Biology Series 14. London, Chapman and Hall.
- Booysen, P. de V. & Tainton, N.M., eds. 1984. Ecological effects of fire in South African ecosystems. Ecological Studies Vol. 48. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, Springer.
- Gill, A.M., Groves, R.H. & Noble, I.R., eds. 1981. Fire and the Australian biota. Canberra, Australian Academy of Science.
- Goldammer, J.G., ed. 1990. Fire in the tropical biota. Ecosystem processes and global challenges. Ecological Studies Vol. 84. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, Springer.
- Goldammer, J.G., ed. 1992. Tropical forests in transition. Ecology of natural and anthropogenic disturbance processes. Basel-Boston, Birkhäuser.
- Goldammer, J.G. 1993. Feuer in Waldökosystemen der Tropen und Subtropen. Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel-Boston, 251 p.
- Goldammer, J.G. & Furyaev, V.V., eds. 1996. Fire in ecosystems of boreal Eurasia. The Hague, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Goldammer, J.G. & Jenkins, M.J., eds. 1990. Fire and ecosystem dynamics. Mediterranean and northern perspectives. The Hague, Netherlands, SPB Academic Publishers.
- Goldammer, J.G. & Kondrashov, L.G., eds. 2006. Northeast Asia: contribution to the global forest fire cycle. Khabarovsk-Center, Russian Federation. Global Fire Monitoring Center – Khabarovsk & Pacific Forest Forum (in Russian).
- Johnson, E.A. & Miyanishi, K., eds. 2001. Forest fires. Behaviour and ecological effects. San Diego, Academic Press.
- Kozlowski, T.T. & Ahlgren, C.E., eds. 1974. Fire and ecosystems. New York, Academic Press.
- Trabaud, L., ed. 1987. Role of fire in ecological systems. The Hague, Netherlands, SPB Academic Publishers.
- van Wilgen, B., Andreae, M.O., Goldammer, J.G. & Lindesay, J., eds. 1997. Fire in Southern African savannas. Ecological and atmospheric perspectives. Johannesburg, South Africa, University of Witwatersrand Press.
- Wein, R.W. & MacLean, D.A., eds. 1983. Role of fire in northern circumpolar ecosystems. New York, John Wiley & Sons.
- Whelan, R.J. 1995. Ecology of fire. Cambridge Studies in Ecology. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.
- Wright, H.A. & Bailey, A.W. 1982. Fire ecology. United States and Southern Canada.
- New York, John Wiley & Sons.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Reports on “Wildland Fire in Ecosystems”
- Smith, J.K. ed. 2000. Wildland fire in ecosystems: Effects of fire on fauna. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42 Vol.1. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 83 p.
- Brown, J.K. & Smith, J.K. eds. 2000. Wildland fire in ecosystems: Effects of fire on flora. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42 Vol. 2. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 257 p.
- Ryan, K.C., Jones, A.T., Koerner, C.L. & Lee, K.M. tech. eds. 2012. Wildland fire in ecosystems: Effects of fire on cultural resources and archaeology. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42 Vol. 3. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 224 p.
- Neary, D.G., Ryan, K.C. & DeBano, L.F. eds. 2008. Wildland fire in ecosystems: Effects of fire on soils and water. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42 Vol.4. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 250 p.
- Sandberg, D.V., Ottmar, R.D., Peterson, J.L. & Core, J. 2002. Wildland fire on ecosystems: Effects of fire on air. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42 Vol. 5. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 79 p.
- Smith, J.K., Zouhar, K., Sutherland, S. & Brook, M.L. 2008. Fire and Nonnative Invasive Plants – Introduction. Chapter 1, USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42 Vol. 6.
Fire prehistory and histories
- International Paleofire Network (IPN):
- Clark, J.S., Cachier, H., Goldammer, J.G. & Stocks, B.J., eds. 1997. Sediment records of biomass burning and global change. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, Springer.
- Kull, C. 2004. Isle of fire: The political ecology of landscape burning in Madagascar. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Pooley, S. 2014. Burning Table Mountain. An environmental history of fire on the Cape Peninsula. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Pyne, S.J. 1982. Fire in America. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press.
- Pyne, S.J. 1991. Burning bush. A fire history of Australia. New York, Henry Holt and Company.
- Pyne, S.J. 1995. World fire. New York, Henry Holt.
- Pyne, S.J. 1997. Vestal fire. An environmental history, told through fire, of Europe and Europe’s encounter with the World. Seattle, WA, University of Washington Press.
- Pyne, S.J. 2007. Awful splendour: A fire history of Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
- Pyne, S.J., 2015. Between two fires: A fire history of contemporary America. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
- Pyne, S.J. 2024. Five suns: A fire history of Mexico. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Landscape fires, climatology, remote sensing and atmospheric chemistry
- Ahern, F., Goldammer, J.G. & Justice, C., eds. 2001. Global and regional vegetation fire monitoring from space: planning a coordinated international effort. The Hague, Netherlands, SPB Academic Publishing.
- Crutzen, P.J. & Goldammer, J.G., eds. 1993. Fire in the environment: the ecological, atmospheric, and climatic importance of vegetation fires. Dahlem Workshop Reports, Environmental Sciences Research Report 13. Chichester, UK, John Wiley & Sons.
- Goldammer, J.G. & Furyaev, V.V., eds. 1996. Fire in ecosystems of boreal Eurasia. The Hague, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Goldammer, J.G. ed. 2013. Vegetation fires and global change. Challenges for concerted international action. A White Paper directed to the United Nations and international organizations. Kessel Publishing House, Remagen-Oberwinter, 398 p.
- Innes, J., Beniston, M. & Verstraete, M.M., eds. 2000. Biomass burning and its interrelationships with the climate system. The Hague, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- van Wilgen, B., Andreae, M.O., Goldammer, J.G. & Lindesay, J., eds. 1997. Fire in Southern African savannas. Ecological and atmospheric perspectives. Johannesburg, South Africa, University of Witwatersrand Press.
- Scott, A.C., Bowman, D.M.J.S., Bond, W.J., Pyne, S.J. & Alexander, M.E. 2014. Fire on Earth: An introduction. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
Community-based, cultural, indigenous and integrated fire management
The GFMC provides a portal to access resources of community-based, cultural, indigenous and integrated fire management.
Among a range of literature including media and grey-literature reports, the following themes are addressed in the portal:
- Community-Based Fire Management (CBFiM) Basics
- Village defense
- Training
- Gender
- Children
- Indigenous communities
- Religious communities
- Migrants and refugees
- Protected areas
- Country Reports/Activities
The following three volumes include a broad range of information and sources on CBFiM and cultural / indigenous fire use:
- FAO. 2002. Communities in Flames: Proceedings of an International Conference on Community Involvement in Fire Management (edited by P. Moore, D. Ganz, L. Cheng Tan, T. Enters and P.B. Durst. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Myers, R. L. 2006. Living with fire: sustaining ecosystems and livelihoods through integrated fire management. Tallahassee, USA: The Nature Conservancy, Global Fire Initiative.
- Pasiecznik, N. & Goldammer, J.G. eds. 2022. Towards fire-smart landscapes. Tropical Forest Issues 61. Tropenbos International, Ede, the Netherlands. xiv +191 pp.
Fire management
This list of classical and recently published textbooks and monographs provide comprehensive secondary literature:
- Arnaldos Viger, J., Navalon Nonel, X. & Pastor Ferrer, E. 2004. Manual de ingeniería básica para la prevención y extinción de incendios forestales, Madrid, Mundi-Prensa.
- Belcher, C.M. ed. 2013. Fire phenomena and the Earth system. An interdisciplinary guide to fire science. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
- Bradstock, R.A., Gill, A.M. & Williams, R.J. eds. 2012. Fire regimes, biodiversity and ecosystems in a changing world. Collingwood: CSIRO Publishing.
- Brown, A.A. & Davis, K.P. 1973. Forest fire. Control and use. New York, McGraw Hill.
- Chandler, C., Cheney, N.P., Thomas, P., Trabaud, L. and Williams, D. 1983. Fire in forestry. Vols. I and II. New York, John Wiley & Sons.
- Cheney, P. & Sullivan, A. 2008. Grassfires. Fuel, weather and fire behavior. Collingwood: CSIRO Australia.
- Chuvieco, E. & Martín, M.P. 2004. Nuevas tecnologías para la estimación del riesgo de incendios forestales, Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).
- Cochrane, M.A. 2009. Tropical fire ecology. Climate change, land use, and ecosystems dynamics. Chichester: Springer Praxis.
- Cowling, R. ed. 1992. The ecology of Fynbos. Nutrients, fire and diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- DeBano, L.F., Neary, D.G. & Ffolliott, P.F. 1998. Fire’s effects on ecosystems. New York: Wiley.
- Goldammer, J.G. ed. 2013. Prescribed burning in Russia and neighbouring temperate-boreal Eurasia. A publication of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC). Kessel Publishing House, 326 p.
- Heikkilä, T.V., Grönqvist, R. & Jurvélius, M. 2007. Wildland Fire management handbook for trainers. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Development Policy Information Unit, Helsinki. 236 p.
- Heikkilä, T., Grönqvist, R., Jurvelius, M. & Goldammer, J.G. 2013. Handbook on forest fire control (in Russian). Pushkino, Helsinki and Freiburg, 269 p.
- Keeley, J.E., Bond, W.J., Bradstock, R.A., Pausas, J.G. & Rundel, P.W. 2012. Fire in Mediterranean ecosystems. Ecology, evolution, and management. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Pasiecznik, N. & Goldammer, J.G. eds. 2022. Towards fire-smart landscapes. Tropical Forest Issues 61. Tropenbos International, Ede, the Netherlands. xiv +191 pp.
- Porrero, M. 2001. Incendios forestales. Investigación de causas. Madrid, Mundi-Prensa.
- Pyne, S.J., Andrews, P.J. & Laven, R.D. 1996. Introduction to wildland fire. Second edition. New York-Chichester UK, John Wiley & Sons.
- Rego, F.C., Morgan, P., Fernandes, P. & Hoffman, C. 2021. Fire science. From chemistry to landscape management. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Rodriguez Trejo, D.A. 2014/2015. Incendios de vegetación. Su ecología, manejo e historia, Vol. 1 and 2. Guadalajara: Editorial del Colegio de Postgraduados.
- Teie, C.W. 2003. Fire manager´s handbook on veld and forest fires – strategy, tactics and safety. South African edition (edited by C.F. Pool). Pretoria, Southern African Institute of Forestry.
- Vélez Muñoz, R., coord. 2000. La defensa contra incendios forestales. Fundamentos y experiencias. Madrid, McGraw-Hill.
- Vélez Muñoz, R. & Vega, J.A., eds. 2000. Actas de la reunión sobre quemas prescritas. Madrid, Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales.
Fire management guidelines
The GFMC provides a portal to fire management guidelines from throughout the world. The web post is continuously updated:
Among other, the portal includes:
- FAO. 2002. Guidelines on fire management in temperate and boreal forests. Forest Protection Working Papers, Working Paper FP/1/E. Rome.
- Landscape Fire Governance Framework. Guiding Principles for Adjusting Strategies, Policies, and Management, to Global Change. 2023. (English)
- Goh, K.T., Schwela, D.H., Goldammer, J.G. & Simpson, O. 1999. Health guidelines for vegetation fire events. Background papers. Published on behalf of UNEP, WHO & WMO. Singapore, Institute of Environmental Epidemiology, Ministry of the Environment, & Namic Printers.
- Goldammer, J.G. & de Ronde, C., eds. 2004. Wildland fire management handbook for sub-Sahara Africa. Freiburg, Germany, Global Fire Monitoring Center; and Cape Town, South Africa.
- International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). 1997. ITTO guidelines on fire management in tropical forests. ITTO Policy Development Series No. 6. Yokohama, Japan (in revision, 2024).
- Schwela, D.H., Goldammer, J.G., Morawska, L.H. & Simpson, O. 1999. Health guidelines for vegetation fire events. Guideline document. Published on behalf of UNEP, WHO & WMO. Singapore, Institute of Environmental Epidemiology, Ministry of the Environment & Double Six Press.
- Schwela, D.H., Morawska, L.H. & Abu Bakar bin Jafar. 1999. Health guidelines for vegetation fire events. Teachers’ guide. Published on behalf of UNEP, WHO & WMO. Singapore, Institute of Environmental Epidemiology, Ministry of the Environment & Double Six Press.
- U.S. fire information systems and software products:
Gender, equity, diversity, inclusion and justice
The GFMC provides a dedicated portal to the role of women in fire management. The web post is continuously updated with enlarged view and materials on diversity, inclusion and justice:
Among numerous scientific and media reports, the following key publications are accessible online:
- Espada, A.L.V. & Oliveira, M.S. 2022. Diversidade, inclusão e equidade de gênero no programa manejo florestal e prevenção de fogo no Brasil: Estudo técnico. 1ª ed. USFS-USAID: Brasília, DF, 48 p.
- FAO. 2011. Women in agriculture: Closing the gender gap for development. Rome, Italy: FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
- FAO. 2022. FAO´s work on gender in forestry. Rome, Italy: FAO, 12p.
Thematic journals
International Journal of Wildland Fire (IJWF): IJWF publishes new and significant papers that advance basic and applied research concerning wildland fire. The journal welcomes papers aimed at understanding the basic principles of fire as a process; its interactions with the weather and climate; its impacts on ecology, hydrology, geomorphology, landscape carbon dynamics, the atmosphere, and society; modelling fire and its effects; or presenting information on how to effectively and efficiently manage fire. Manuscripts from physical, biological and social sciences will be considered. The journal has an international perspective, since wildland fire plays a major social, economic and ecological role in many regions of the world and strongly interacts with global climate change:
Fire: Fire is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal about the science, policy, and technology of fires and how they interact with communities and the environment, published monthly online by MDPI. Launched in November 2017, Fire was considered the journal following-up the UNECE/FAO international Forest Fire News (IFFN).The Global Wildland Fire Network is affiliated with Fire:
Revista Incendios y Riesgos Naturales: Una revista independiente de la comunidad internacional de riesgos naturales en español (ISSN: 2660-9940). El mundo de los incendios está volviéndose asimétrico hacia la extinción en detrimento de la gestión. A la vez, la única voz que oímos en general es la de los investigadores que recopilan y analizan datos operativos buscando correlaciones y tendencias, pero no siempre analizando los procesos. Hay un déficit claro de informes operativos para el público técnico y gestor. No se muestra el impacto de la gestión forestal (o de la ausencia de esta) en los regímenes operativos de extinción. Por último, deberíamos usar la investigación basada en IA (inteligencia Artificial) y Big Data a partir del mundo operativo y con el asesoramiento cercano de los gestores, técnicos y bomberos forestales. Lo mismo para otros riesgos en el medio natural.
UNECE/FAO international Forest Fire News (IFFN): IFFN was a key activity of the FAO/UNECE Team of Specialists on Forest Fire and the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) and constituted the first international newsletter / journal covering forest fires and other vegetation fires at global level. Between 1989 and 2014 IFFN was printed and published on behalf of UNECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission. In 2017, the concept of IFFN was inherited to the journal Fire. All 45 volumes, which contain scientific and technical reports on forest fires and other landscape fires around the world, are archived and available digitally:
Web portals on international cooperation in fire management
General – Online repository of the Global Wildland Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) with numerous links to thematic national, regional and international sources
Landscape fire science and management glossaries
Fire management guidelines
Online publications, libraries and bibliographies
Global Wildland Fire Network
United Nations role in international cooperation in fire management
International agreements for assistance in fire emergencies
Portal to global landscape fire information systems (near real-time) and recent actively burning landscape fires by various open access and commercial providers