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GFMC Publications
The complete list of publications of GFMC is available here:
The following books are major GFMC book publications, recent scientific articles, videos and audio podcasts. Some of the books, which are published by commercial publishing houses, are available for free download:
White Paper on Vegetation Fires and Global Change
Challenges for Concerted International Action — A White Paper directed to the United Nations and International Organizations (2013)
Book order:
Digital version: (low-res. PDF, 3.7 MB)
Prescribed Burning in Russia and Neighbouring Temperate-Boreal Eurasia
Together with the results of the Bor Forest Island Fire Experiment, Fire Research Campaign Asia-North (FIRESCAN) (Part II); Forest and Steppe Fires In Mongolia (Part III) and the White Paper on Use of Prescribed Fire in Land Management, Nature Conservation and Forestry in Temperate-Boreal Eurasia (Part IV) and the Krasnoyarsk 10-Point Programme on the Future of Fire Management in Russia (Part V) (2013)
Book order:
Digital version: (low-res. PDF, 5.1 MB)
English-Mongolian-Russian Fire Management Terminology
In preparation of the establishment of the Regional Central Asia Fire Management Resource Center (RCAFMRC) in 2015 and for the facilitation of the Mongolian-Russian cooperation in cross-border fire management a detailed fire management terminology in Mongolian language was developed and the Russian version upgraded by Mongolian and Russian fire specialists and the GFMC (2014). Printed copies are available upon request at the RCAFMRC in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. For the digital version click on the envelope (PDF, 3.3 MB):
Wildfire Investigation. Guidelines for Practitioners
Prepared by C. de Ronde and J.G. Goldammer as a contribution to the International Wildfire Preparedness Mechanism (IWPM) (2015)
Book order:
Digital version: (low-res. PDF, 8.5 MB)
Memories of Carl Alwin Schenck
Goldammer, J.G. and J. Karns (eds.). 2019. Carl Alwin Schenck. Memoiren 1868 bis 1887. Forstbuchverlag Kessel, 328 p. ISBN 978-3-945941-56-0 (in German)
Digital version: (low-res. PDF, 3.8 MB)
EuroFire Competency Standards and Training Materials (English)
Among the publication of the EuroFire materials in 22 languages (, the following 187-pages volume was produced for the GFMC/OSCE Regional Fire Management Training for the South Caucasus and Western Balkans (Antalya, Turkey, 15-17 October 2014).
High-resolution PDF (25 MB)
Defence of Villages, Farms and Other Rural Assets against Wildfires (English)
Guidelines for Rural Populations, Local Communities and Municipality Leaders in the Balkan Region (English version), a GFMC publication sponsored by the Council of Europe (2013)
High-resolution PDF (2.6 MB)
Wildland Fire Management: Handbook for Sub-Sahara Africa (English)
This volume was edited by J.G. Goldammer and C. de Ronde as a contribution to capacity building in Subsahara Africa) (2004)
Medium-resolution PDF (11 MB)
Fire Management Handbook for Trainers (Russian)
Heikkilä, T., R. Grönqvist, M. Jurvelius and J.G. Goldammer. 2013. Handbook on Forest Fire Control (in Russian). Pushkino, Helsinki and Freiburg, 269 p.
Feuer in Waldökosystemen der Tropen und Subtropen (German)
The volume “Fire in Forest Ecosystems of the Tropics and Subtropics”, published by J.G. Goldammer, is a comprehensive global analysis of the globally most fire-affected regions and the adjoining ecozones (1993)
Medium-resolution PDF (8.4 MB)
Fire in Ecosystem Dynamics: Mediterranean and Northern Perspectives
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the Third Symposium on Fire Ecology in Europe was held at Freiburg University in May 1989:
- Goldammer, J.G., and M.J. Jenkins (eds.) 1990. Fire in ecosystem dynamics. Mediterranean and northern perspectives. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, 199 p.
Fire in the Tropical Biota
The Third Symposium on Fire Ecology held at the Fire Ecology Research Group was sponsored by the Volkswagen Foundation and held at Freiburg University in May 1989, was convened to prepare this first pantropical and multidisciplinary monograph on tropical fire ecology. The book, in which 46 scientists cooperated with the editor J.G. Goldammer, analyzes those fire-related ecosystem processes which have not yet been described in a synoptic way.
Book order through Springer.
Fire in the Environment: The Ecological, Atmospheric, and Climatic Importance of Vegetation Fires
This volume is the outcome of a Dahlem Workshop, held in Berlin, 15-20 March 1992. As part of a conference series that aims to promote the international interdisciplinary exchange of scientific information and to stimulate international co-operation in research, this volume explores the role of fires in the vegetation of Earth and their impact on the environment – the first global analysis of the role of fire in the Earth System.
Book order through WorldCat.
Fire in ecosystems of boreal Eurasia
One of the results of the first international fire science conference in the Russian Federation (1993) was the publication of a monograph on fire in boreal Eurasia, including some selected contributions on boreal North America:
Book order through Springer.
Tropical Forests in Transition. Ecology of Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbance Processes
This volume synthesizes information on changing environmental conditions and human impacts on the tropical forest by looking back to the paleoecology, analyzing the impact of modern human populations and modeling the future of the tropical forest in a changing environment. The aim of the book is to strengthen multidisciplinary thinking in disturbance ecology: The volume is the outcome of a conference convened in 1991 at the University of Freiburg (Germany) under the sponsorship of the German Society of Tropical Ecology and the Fire Ecology and Biomass Burning Research Group, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry:
- Goldammer, J.G. (ed.) 1992. Tropical forests in transition: Ecology of natural and anthropogenic disturbance processes. Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel-Boston, 270 p.
Book order through Springer.
Sediment Records of Biomass Burning and Global Change
This volume is the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute ‘Biomass Burning Emissions and Global Change”, held in Praia de Alvor, Algarve, Portugal, October 1994:
- Clark, J.S., H. Cachier, J.G. Goldammer, and B.J. Stocks (eds.). 1997. Sediment records of biomass burning and global change. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 489 pp.
Book order through Springer.
Global and Regional Vegetation Fire Monitoring from Space
Ahern, F., J.G. Goldammer, and C. Justice (eds.). 2001. Global and regional vegetation fire monitoring from space: Planning a coordinated international effort. SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague, The Netherlands, 302 p.
Table of contents (PDF, 0.6 MB)
Book order through Kugler Publications
Fire in Southern African Savannas
An overview of the South African Fire-Atmosphere Research Initiative (SAFARI), an interdisciplinary project which involved over 150 scientists from 14 countries. SAFARI investigated the relationship between fires and savanna ecology in Southern Africa.
- van Wilgen, B., M.O. Andreae, J.G. Goldammer, and J. Lindesay (eds.) 1997. Fire in Southern African savannas. Ecological and atmospheric perspectives. The University of Witwatersrand Press, Johannesburg, South Africa, 256 p.
Towards Fire-smart Landscapes
The volume “Towards Fire-smart Landscapes” was developed in 2021-2022 by Tropenbos and GFMC (N. Pasiecznik and J.G. Goldammer, eds.), with contributions of more than 100 co-authors from tropical South America, Asia and Africa. The book was presented at UNFCCC COP-26 (Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 12 November 2022), at the Global Landscapes Forum, Session “Fire-smart landscapes as promising approach for effective adaptation and mitigation” and at the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference (Porto, Portugal, 16-19 May 2023). The book is available online in English and Spanish:
- English Version: Pasiecznik, N. and J.G. Goldammer (eds.). 2022. Towards Fire-smart Landscapes. Tropical Forest Issues 61 (TFI 61), xiv + 191 p. (PDF, 11 MB)
- Spanish Version: Pasiecznik, N. and J.G. Goldammer (eds.). 2022. Hacia la construcción de paisajes a prueba de incendio. Tropical Forest Issues 61 (TFI 61), xvi + 211 p. (PDF, 9.5 MB)
List of other GFMC Book Publications (1977-2015) (PDF)
Other Recent Publications
- Goldammer, J.G., and Brian J. Stocks (on behalf of the Team of Authors of the “White Paper on Vegetation Fires and Global Change”. 2011. SR10: Specification for a state of science review – wildland fires. Review commissioned as part of the UK Government’s Foresight Project, Migration and Global Environmental Change. UK Government Office for Science. Download: Specification for a state of science review – wildland fires (PDF, 0.3 MB)
- Bowman, D.M.J.S., J.A. O’Brien, and J.G. Goldammer. 2013. Pyrogeography and the global quest for sustainable fire management. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 38, 57-80. Download:
- Goldammer, J.G. (on behalf of the White Paper Science Team) 2013. Vegetation Fires and Global Change. Challenges for Concerted International Action. A White Paper directed to the United Nations and International Organizations. Planet@Risk Vol. 3 (1), 45-57. ISSN 2296-8172. Download: (PDF, 0.3 MB)
- Global Vegetation Fires and Development of Public Policies: Progress in Building the Science-Policy Interface (SPI). Extract of: Scientific Report 2015-2017, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Otto Hahn Institute), Mainz, Germany (PDF, 0.4 MB)
- Mallinis, G. Mitsopoulos, I., Beltran, E. and Goldammer, J.G. 2016. Assessing wildfire risk in cultural heritage properties using satellite imagery and spatially explicit fire simulations: The Case of Holy Mount Athos, Greece. Forests 7, 46, 1-19. ISSN 1999-4907. doi:10.3390/f7020046. Download: Assessing wildfire risk: The Case of Holy Mount Athos (PDF, 4.7 MB)
- Koutsias, N., Allgöwer, B., Kalabokidis, K., Mallinis, G., Balatsos, P., Goldammer, J.G. 2016. Fire occurrence zoning from local to global scale in the European Mediterranean Basin: Implications for multi-scale fire management and policy. iForest, Biogeosciences and Forestry 9, 195-204. – doi: 10.3832/ifor1513-008 [online 2015-11-12]. ISSN: 1971-7458. Download: Fire occurrence zoning (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- Abbott, B.W. et al. (94 co-authors, including J.G. Goldammer) (2016). Biomass offsets little or none of permafrost carbon release from soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert assessment. Environ. Res. Lett. 11 (2016) 034014. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/3/034014. Download: Biomass offsets little or none of permafrost carbon release (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- Goldammer, J.G. 2016. Use of Prescribed Fire in Land Management, Nature Conservation and Forestry in Temperate-Boreal Eurasia. Biodiversidade Brasileira 6 (2), 5-25. ISSN: 2236-2886. Download: Use of Prescribed Fire in Land Management (PDF, 0.8 MB)
- Goldammer, J.G., E. Brunn, S. Hartig, J. Schulz, and F. Meyer. 2016. Development of technologies and methods for the application of prescribed fire for the management of Calluna vulgaris heathlands contaminated by unexploded ordnance (UXO): Problems and first experiences gained in a research and development project in Germany. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 152, 87-122. DOI 10.19213/973152; ISBN 978-3-7843-4052-4. Download: RX Burning on UXO Terrain (PDF, 6.0 MB)
- Szczygieł, R., Goldammer, J.G., Kwiatkowski, M., Brunn, E., Szczęśniak, E. and B. Kołakowski. 2016. Experimental Application of Prescribed Fire for the Management of Calluna vulgaris Heathlands on Abandoned Military Terrain in Poland. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 152, 123-140. DOI 10.19213/973152; ISBN 978-3-7843-4052-4.
- Smith, A.M.S., J.G. Goldammer, and D. Bowman. 2017. Introducing Fire: A transdisciplinary journal to advance understanding and management of landscape fires from local to global scales in the past, present, and future. Fire 2018, 1, 2; doi:10.3390/fire1010002 Download: Introducing Fire (PDF, 0.2 MB)
- Goldammer, J.G., Mangeon, S., Keywood, M., Kaiser, J.W., de Groot, W.J., Gunawan, D., Gan, C., Field, R., Sofiev, M., Baklanov, A. 2018. Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning and Advisory System (VFSP-WAS): Concept Note and Expert Recommendations. World Meteorological Organization (WMO), GAW Report No. 235, 44 p. Download at GFMC: WMO GAW Report No. 235 (PDF, 3.3 MB)
- Goldammer, J.G. 2019. The fire underground. Coal clinker, baked mudstone, and clues to evolutionary diversity. Natural History 127 (8), 6-7 (PDF, 0.2 MB)
- UNDRR European Science and Technology Group (E-STAG) (2020) UNDRR E-STAG Thematic Paper “Evolving Risk of Wildfires in Europe: The changing nature of wildfire risk calls for a shift in policy focus from suppression to prevention” (Coordinator: Jean-Louis Rossi; authors: Blaž Komac, Massimo Migliorini, Reimund Schwarze, Zvonko Sigmund, Carmen Awad, François Joseph Chatelon, Johann Georg Goldammer, Thierry Marcelli, Dominique Morvan, Albert Simeoni, Benni Thiebes): – Download at GFMC:
- Goldammer, J.G. 2021. Thirty Years International Cooperation in Landscape Fire Management: Review of Progress, Achievements and Prospects for the Future. This paper is based on the opening keynote of the 7th International Wildland Fire Conference, held in Campo Grande, Brazil, 28 October 2019. The original keynote “Thirty Years International Wildland Fire Conferences: Review and Achievements of a Circumglobal Journey from Boston to Campo Grande” has been published in a modified version in: Edição Temática: 7th International Wildland Fire Conference: Full text articles. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade, Número Especial, Biodiversidade Brasileira 11 (2), 2021, p. 6-52 (Steil L., Nóbrega de Oliveira L., Rivera-Lombardi R., eds.), DOI: 10.37002/biobrasil.v10i3.1743.
- Baklanov, A., B.N. Chew, A. Frassoni, C. Gan, J.G. Goldammer, M. Keywood, S. Mangeon, P.M. Manseau, and P. Radenko. 2021. The WMO Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and Assessment System (VFSP-WAS): Concept, Current Capabilities, Research and Development Challenges and the Way Ahead. Biodiversidade Brasileira 11 (2), 2021, 179-201. DOI: 10.37002/biobrasil.v11i2.1738.
- Saharjo, B.H. and J.G. Goldammer. 2021. Bridging the Services of the WMO Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and Assessment System (VFSP-WAS) to Politics, Policies and Land Management: the South East Asia Example and Global Visions. Biodiversidade Brasileira 11 (2), 2021, 202-2012. DOI: 10.37002/biobrasil.v11i2.1740.
- Hall, J.V., S.V. Zibtsev, L. Giglio, S. Skakun, V. Myroniuk, O. Zhuravel, J.G. Goldammer, and N. Kussul. 2021. Environmental and political implications of underestimated cropland burning in Ukraine. Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 064019.
- Soshenskyi, O., S. Zibtsev, V. Gumeniuk, J.G. Goldammer, R. Vasylyshyn, and V. Blyshchyk, Volodymyr. 2021. The current landscape fire management in Ukraine and strategy for its improvement. Environmental & Socio-economic Studies 9 (2), 39-51.
- Goldammer, J.G. 2022. Feuer – Ein facettenreicher ökologischer Störfaktor. RegioBasiliensis 63/2, 113-123.
- Karasmanaki, E., G. Mallinis, I. Mitsopoulos, A. Karteris, I. Chrysafis, D. Bakaloudis, I.P. Kokkoris, F. Maris, M. Arianoutsou, J.G. Goldammer, F. Rego, V. Ramon Vallejo, and G. Tsantopoulos. 2023. Proposing a Governance Model for Environmental Crises. Land 12, 597.
- G20 Study on Restoration of Forest Fire impacted Areas for Recovering the Natural Biodiversity: Country Profile – Germany (by GFMC, mandated by German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection – in cooperation with German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture) (PDF, 2.8 MB)
- Myroniuk, V., S. Zibtsev, V. Bogomolov, J.G. Goldammer, O. Soshenskyi, V. Levchenko, M. Matsala. 2023. Combining Landsat time series and GEDI data for improved characterization of fuel types and canopy metrics in wildfire simulation. J. Env. Management 345, 118736.
- Walz, Y., Hartmann, L., Janzen, S., O‘Connor, J., Rackelmann, F., Estrella, M., Nyirenda, C., Amlang, S., Meyer, K., Touzon Calle, I., Ruiz Garcia, V., Sheikholeslami, D., Jurriens, J., Tuhkanen, H., Maqbool, I., Nagabhatla, N., Goldammer, J.G., Doswald, N., Sudmeier-Rieux, K. 2024. Ecosystem-based approaches for integrating disaster risk reduction, climate, land and biodiversity goals. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security and Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction, UNU EHS Policy Brief No. 15, 2024 (PDF)
Recent Essays and Reviews of Global Outreach
- Putting a Break on Wildfire (ITTO Tropical Forest Update 24 No.2, August 2015, web version) (PDF, 2.5 MB)
- Local Fires, Global Worries (Wildfire Magazine Vol. 25, January-February 2016) (PDF, 5.0 MB)
- Global Vegetation Fire Challenges and Outlook (Commonwealth Forestry Association Newsletter No. 74, September 2016) (PDF, 0.6 MB)
- The Global Wildland Fire Network: 2016 in Review (Wildfire Magazine Vol. 25, November-December 2016 (PDF, 1.1 MB
- Eastern Fires – Western Smoke (Wildfire Magazine Vol. 26, January-February 2017 (PDF, 1.7 MB)
- Special Issue of Fire Management Today: Global Landscape Fire Management Challenges – A Decade of Progress (U.S. Forest Service: 2019) (PDF, 3.6 MB)
Publications by the Director of GFMC
- List of publications by Johann G. Goldammer (since 1987)
Recent Press Releases and Media Reports by and about the GFMC
- Media publications about the GFMC
- Fires in Europe fuelled by Urbanisation and Climate Change (Press Release by UNISDR, 08 August 2017) (PDF, 0.4 MB) (Original URL)
- Full UNISDR Interview with Prof. Johann Georg Goldammer, Director of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) 07 August 2017 (PDF, 0.3 MB) (Original URL)
- UNISDR PR on Prevention Web 08 August 2017 (PDF, 0.2 MB)
GFMC Book Orders through the Fire Research Institute
- Current Titles in Wildland Fire (January 2016, extract) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Current Titles in Wildland Fire (January 2019, extract covering GFMC) (PDF, 0.7 MB)
GFMC Videos
- The Bor Forest Island Fire Experiment (1993, English Version, mp4, 3.5 GB)
GFMC Video Interviews
- Video coverage of the meeting in Maximos Mansion on 23 August 2018 (YouTube)
- ERT evening news with GFMC interview on 23 August 2018 (mp4, 67 MB)
- Interview with GFMC Head published by Embolos on 24 August 2018 (mp4, 59 MB)
- Public lecture at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR 2019), IGNITE Stage (15 May 2019) (YouTube)
- Report about the Task Force Landscape Fire, City of Freiburg on 12 August 2020 (mp4, 7.3 MB)
- Children’s Nature and Ecological Education by the Mongolian National Broadcaster (MNB): Learning about tree species, age, growth, determining fire history, the interaction of forest fire and wildlife and how kids can prevent their forests from fires (25 June 2021) (YouTube)
- Wie Feuer unsere Wälder schützen kann (DIE ZEIT Online, 17 October 2021) (YouTube)
GFMC Audio Interviews
- Stifterverband Deutsche Wissenschaft (Association of Sponsors for Science in Germany): Forschergeist Feueroekologie (Science Spirit Fire Ecology) – an Interview of January 2019 – 2:27 hrs: (click here for transcript – PDF, 0.5 MB)
- Feuer-Management für Raumschiff Erde (mit Johann Georg Goldammer): Supposé Sanders 2009 – 2 Audio CDs, 116 min.):
- Interview with SWR 1 (20 August 2009)
- Interview Deutschlandfunk (24 July 2018)
- Interview with HR Info on fires in Europe and Germany (24 July 2018)
- Interview Radio SRF (Switzerland) (28 July 2018)
- Interview Bayerischer Rundfunk Radio Welt-Interview (14 August 2018)
- Interview Suedwestrundfunk (SWR 2) (12 October 2018)
- Interview with ntv “Wieder was gelernt Feuerwehr löscht ohne Waldbrand-Ausrüstung“ (12 June 2019)
- Interview MDR threats by unexploded ammunition (09 July 2019)
- Interview Bayrischer Rundfunk “Wie schlimm ist die Lage?“ (18 November 2019)
- Interview Südwestrundfunk über die Brände in Australien und die offenen Fragen der Regeneration von Pflanzen- und Tierwelt nach den Feuern (11 January 2020)
- Feuerökologie – Podcast von Brandschutzmilieu (, June 2020): Interview mit Johann Georg Goldammer
- Feuerökologe Johann Georg Goldammer – Der Herr der Brände – Interview in Deutschlandfunk Kultur – Moderation Susanne Führer (26 August 2020)
- Interview Deutschlandfunk über die Brandkatastrophe in Australien Feuerökologe: „Wir haben verlernt, mit dem Feuer umzugehen (12 January 2020)
- Interview Südwestrundfunk im Rahmen der Matinée „Funken“ (7 February 2021)
- Podcast Interview NTV: Waldbrände – Betreten wir eine neue Ära des Feuerzeitalters? (NTV Klimalabor, 15 October 2021) (Transcript, PDF)
- Interview RBB Info Radio (13-Juli-2021)
- Interview Deutschlandfunk über Waldbrände und Löschmittel (17 September 2021)
- Wir leben im Zeitalter des Pyrozäns. Erforschung von Waldbränden – «Wir sind am Punkt, an dem sich das Klima schon verändert hat» (SRF, 4. August 2022)
- GFMC Interview in context of launch of the German National Water Strategy (SWR2 Impuls, 15 March 2023)
- GFMC Interview in context with the wildfire burning on UXO-contaminated terrain near Jüterbog, Brandenburg State, Germany (RBB-Radio1, 9 June 2023)
- GFMC Interview in context with the wildfire burning in Rhineland Palatinate State, June 2023 (SWR Radio, 16 June 2023)
- GFMC Interview in the report “How goats assist Chile in Wildfire Protection (Wie Ziegen in Chile beim Brandschutz helfen – in German) (SWR 2 Radio, 04 March 2024)
GFMC Signatory of World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency
The paper “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency” was recently published in BioScience, signed by more than 11,000 scientists, among other by the Coordinator of the Global Wildland Fire Network and Head of the GFMC. The published paper is open access and mirrored in the GFMC archive: