Regional Mesoamerica Wildland Fire Network
A Region of the Global Wildland Fire Network
Links to institutions and projects in Mesoamerica
The following listof links toinstitutions working in wildland fir in Mesoamerica are taken from the GFMC linksection. Users of this web page are encouraged to submit new links to be addedto this list. For other thematic fire-related links (e.g., remote sensing ofvegetation fires, fire weather and climate forecasts, natural disasters, andglobal environmental monitoring: see GFMC link section at
Landscape Conservation Networks ofThe Nature Conservancy
Within the Fire Management Network the Latin American and Caribbean Fire Network provides a framework for restoration and maintenance of natural fire regimes in fire-adapted and fire-sensitive ecosystems of the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, and parts of South America. The goal of the network is to educate landmanagers about the ecological role of fire in tropical and temperate ecosystems,to help land managers develop comprehensive fire management planning andimplementation skills, and to provide a framework for sharing and disseminatingscientific knowledge and technical information.The Latin American and CaribbeanFire Network is sponsored and funded by The Nature Conservancy’s Fire Initiativeand USDA Forest Service International Programs.
Information on the LatinAmerican and Caribbean Fire Network is provided in englishor spanish.
Costa Rica
Fire Prevention and Control in the Groundwater Recharge Forests of
(Prevención y control de
Information is provided in English or Spanish
The project is carried out by the Brigade Against Forest Fires in Artola de
Additional information: Sistematizacionde la Experiencia de la Asociación de Brigadistas contra IncendiosForestales de Artola de Sardinal
Strengthening Forest Fire Brigades, FacilitatingOpportunities for National Exchange and Analysis, Costa Rica
(Fortalecimiento de las
Information is provided in
The forest fire brigades in Costa Rica carry out significant environmental protection against the threat of fire, mainly in protected wildlands and biological corridors.
The National Parks Foundation (Fundación de Parques Nacionales – FPN) in coordination with the National System of Conservation Areas (Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación – SINAC) of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy (MINAE)and the National Forest Fire Commission (Comisión Nacional
This project has organized a series of workshops for forest fire brigade groups to strengthen them and facilitate an opportunity for national exchange and analysis to determine the common needs and problems that affect their work, and identify feasible proposals based on their experiences and expectations.
The Experience of Costa Rican Volunteer Forest FireBrigades at the Panamerican Meeting on Forest Fires
(La experiencia de las brigadas
Information is provided in English or Spanish
The National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy, the National Parks Foundation and the NationalCommission on Forest Fires (
Representatives from the forest fire brigades, NGOs, cooperating organizations and others prepared and analyzed a sub-regional proposal and agreement for forest fire issues in the Americas. The conference was held on October 21-22 inSan José, Costa Rica, within the context of the 23rd meeting of the Forest Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (COFLAC) of the United NationsFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The latter was held on October 18 to 22, with forestry directors of the Americas who approved the proposal and some amendments.
The work of volunteer forest fire fighters in Costa Rica and the involvement of civil society in the protection and conservation of natural resources was presented. This contributed to the development of a regional strategy for the management, prevention, and control of forest fires, fostering greater international support for this cause. And through this project, a training program was developed for volunteer forest fighters.
Further information on the Panamerican Wildland Fire Conference
Sistema Nacional de Prevención y Control de Incendios Forestales (
The National System for Prevention and Control of Woodland Fire was created by the Government of Guatemala in February 2001. It was created to coordinate the efforts in preventing, mitigating, controlling, and extinguishing woodland fires. The information on this site is provided in Spanish.
CoordinadoraNacional para la Reducción de Desastres (CONRED)
The National Coordination for Disaster Reduction (CONRED) provides update andarchived reports on wildland fires. For the 2003 fires see:
Comunidad de Aprendizaje de Manejo del Fuego (CAMAFU)
Una Comunidad de Aprendizaje está formada por personas, organizaciones e instituciones que comparten un objetivo común. Tras reconocer y valorar sus diferencias, sus miembros buscan establecer procesos de intercambio de información y difusión de experiencias que a largo plazo apuntan a la innovación, al desarrollo de capacidades, al mejoramiento de las prácticas y al establecimiento de sólidas sinergias. Creada en el 2002, la CAMAFU está integrada por personal de organizaciones civiles, sociales, académicas y gubernamentales que intervienen, a través de proyectos técnicos, de educación, de investigación y de difusión, en diversas regiones del país para lograr un aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos naturales bajo una concepción de manejo integral del fuego. Para facilitar dicha encomienda, se ha diseñado el portal CAMAFU. El término portal significa puerta grande, por lo que su nombre hace referencia a su función: ser el punto de partida de un usuario que desea entrar y realizar búsquedas especializadas en la WEB en torno a diferentes temas.
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO)
The México National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO) offers a daily updated website for early warning of wildland fires
ServicioMetereológico Nacional (SMN)
Since 1998 the National Metereological Service is carrying out the detection and monitoring of wildland fires in México, based on GOES-12satellites. In this section animated images are displayed showing thematic information and wildfires detected during the day:
Secretariat for Environment and Natural Resources(SEMARNAT)
Within the “Campaña Nacional de Prevención y Combate de Incendios Forestales SEMARNAT is providing forecasts on fire weather, working together with the NationalMetereological Service, as well as collaborating with the Canadian Wildland Fire Information System. MexicosWildland FireInformation System(Sistema de Información de Incendios Forestales) is the product of the collaboration between Canada and SEMARNAT.
Weekly reports are provided on wildland fire occurrences at the municipality and national level, reporting on the number of fires and the area burned. The information on this site is provided in Spanish by the Nacional Forest Commission (CONAFOR) and SEMARNAT.
More information on detection and monitoring of wildland fires can be found on Central America Wildland Fire Monitoring.
Iniciativa Mexicana de Aprendizajepara la Conservación (IMAC)
The Mexican Initiative for ConservationLearning is composed of several Learning Communities (CA: Comunidades de Aprendizaje). Each of those
Sistema Nacional de Prevención, Mitigación y Atención a Desastres (SINAPRED)
The homepage of the National System for the Prevention, Mitigation and Responseto Disasters (SINAPRED) provides a short overview in case of ongoing wildfires: