GFMC: Forest Fires in the Russian Federation
Forest Fires in the Russian Federation
28 July 2010
GFMC analysis (comment inserted ex-post on this web page on 18 August 2010): By 16 August 2010 it has been noted that a wrong algorithm for the calculation of area burned had been applied since the beginning of 2009.The corrected data for the whole fire season are published starting 18 August 2010. A 2010 summary will be published at the end of the fire season.
Fire danger map for July for Eastern Siberia:
Source: Sukachev Institute for Forest, Krasnoyarsk
Avialesookhrana from the National Forest Fire Centre of Russia provides up-to-date NOAA images for the whole of the Russian Federation and neighbour territories. The Space Monitoring Information Support Laboratory provides extensive links to sites with satellite imagery for the Russian Federation, meteorological information as well as fire related images are accessible.
The NOAA AVHRR satellite image composite shows fire activities in the Russian Federation.
Latest (28 July 2010 03:00 GMT) NOAA 12&14 AVHRR composite
The red squares indicate regions of active fires (MODIS Detection). For details the GFMC readers are encouraged to use the hyperlinks provided by Avialesookhrana, the Aerial Forest Fire Protection Service of the Federal Forest service of Russia.
(Source: Avialesookhrana cloudiness maps)
Wildfire situation report of the Aerial Forest Fire Center of Russia (Avialesookhrana)
28 July, 2010
According to the wildfire situation report of 28 July 2010 a total of
397 fires affected 16,094 ha forested and 2,667 ha non-forested lands.
107 fires of them were reported as new fires.
Through all of Russia 8,987 people, 57 aircraft, 1,771 bulldozers, tractors and engines have
been involved in fire fighting.
Since the beginning of the 2010 fire season a total of 21,285 fires
affected 344,875 ha forested and 181,366 ha non-forested lands of the Forest Fund of Russia.
Most fires have been reported in the following regions:
Sverdlovsk region – 89
Kirovsk region – 45
Ryazan region – 11
Komi republic – 39
There are large fires in following regions:
Voronezh region – 7 fires,burning area 3,136 ha forested lands.
Magadan region 2 fires,burning area 5,980 ha forested lands and 6,736 ha non-forested lands.
Nizhniy Novgorod region – 18 fires,burning area 29,547 ha forested lands and 15,585 ha non-forested lands.
Ryazan region – 7 fires,burning area 1,472 ha forested lands and 450 ha non-forested lands.
Ivanovsk region – 5 fires,burning area 2,664 ha forested lands and 870 ha non-forested lands.
Chukotka autonomus republic – 6 fires,burning area 2,980 ha forested lands and 24,315 ha non-forested lands.
Source: Aerial Forest Fire Center of Russia (Avialesookhrana)
Prepared for GFMC by Andrey Eritsov and Andrey Usachev
News from the media:
EMERCOM of Russia continues suppression of forest and peat fires
July 28, 2010. EMERCOM of Russia informs that 575 wildfires are registered in Russian Federation including 34 peat fires.
During twenty-four hours 374 wildfires have been discovered and 294 of them were suppressed.
282 wildfires are still active on area 52060.3 hectares in comparison with previous 24 hours having 199 wildfires on area 46627.9 hectares. 152 wildfires are contained on area 25632.5 hectares. 15 large wildfires are active on area 20,756 ha.
During 24 hours 34 peat fires started among them 30 started in Moscow Oblast, 1 in Tver Oblast, 1 Yaroslav Oblast, 1- Sverdlovsk Oblast, 1 Vologodsk Oblast. 32 peat fires suppressed on area 20.19 ha, 2 peat fires are still active on area 20.756 ha.
From the beginning of 2010 fire season 20780 wildfires started on area 418009.2 ha in Russian Federation including 816 peat fires on area 724.72 ha.
10,000 persons, 1,489 machineries including 36 aircrafts were involved in wildfires suppression.
МЧС России продолжает работы по тушению лесных и торфяных пожаров
28/07. На территории Российской Федерации зарегистрировано 575 очагов природных пожаров, в том числе 34 – торфяных, сообщает МЧС России.
В течение суток возникло 374 очага потушено 294 очага лесных пожаров. Продолжают действовать 282 очага на общей площади 52060,3 га (за предыдущие сутки – 199 очагов на площади 46627,9 га). Из них локализовано 152 очага на общей площади 25632,5 га. Действуют 15 крупных очагов пожаров на площади 20756 га.
В течение суток возникло 34 очага торфяных пожаров (в т.ч.: 30 – Московская область, 1 – Тверская область, 1-Ярославская область, 1 – Свердловская область, 1 – Вологодская область), потушено – 32 очага на площади 20,19 га, продолжают действовать 2 очага (в т.ч.: 1 – Свердловская область, 1 – Вологодская область)на площади 7,25 га.
Всего с начала пожароопасного периода 2010 г. на территории Российской Федерации возникло 20780 очагов лесных пожаров на общей площади 418009,2 га, в том числе торфяных – 816 очагов пожаров на общей площади 724,72 га.
К тушению лесных пожаров привлекалось более 10000 человека и 1489 единиц техники, из них 36 воздушных судов.
In Ivanovo Oblast: next fire catastrophe
July 28, 2010.
Next fire catastrophe happened in Ivanovo Oblast. Large forested areas and peat lands are burning in Yuz and Pestyakovo regions. Forest fire came close to Yuz city from the south. Also fire restarted from area burned in May. The biggest forest fire is active in southern part of both regions. The area burned is not less than 22,000 ha by this morning. Besides that dried and used peat lands are burning in Pestyakovo regions near settlements Sezukh and Dubovichje.
In other regions of Ivanovo Oblast forest fire situation relatively stable but smoke from fires in Yuz and Pestyakovo regions covers bigger part of Oblast including Ivanovo, Oblast center. Due to eyewitnesses there is smoke and visibility is limited in Ivanovo.
Forests of Yuz and Pestyakovo regions due to Ivanovo Oblast Foretry Committee data are leased by Ivanovo Forest Industrial Company Ltd. to realize so called first-priority invest project in forest development in Oblast. Following Russian Federation Forest Code forest leaseholders ought to ensure the fire protection system and keep fire prevention and suppression system. In Yuz and Pestyakovo regions fire protection system was not made properly and fire fighting systems obviously were not created. Mainly lestnichestvo (local forest management agency) workers are trying to suppress fires but their powers after last years reforms so small that they cant withstand fires in such forest fire hazard level. As well as known effective measures to involve priority investors in forest fire fighting in Ivanovo Oblast were not taken.
In May 2010 large forest fire as predecessor of present day trouble was in Yuz region of Ivanovo Oblast. May fire showed fully the absent of preparedness of Ivanovo oblast authorities to control forest fires. After May fire results a Head of Ivanovo Oblast Forestry Committee was retired but no real changes happen in forest management system of Oblast.
Source: В Ивановской области – очередная пожарная катастрофа
В Ивановской области – очередная пожарная катастрофа: горят большие площади лесов и торфяников в Южском и Пестяковском районах. Лесной пожар вплотную подошел с юга к городу Юже; кроме того, начался повторный пожар на участке, пройденном огнем в мае 2010 года. Самый большой лесной пожар действует в южной части обоих районов, его площадь составляет на сегодняшнее утро не менее 22 тысяч гектаров. Кроме того, горят осушенные и выработанные торфяники в Пестяковском районе вблизи поселков Сезух и Дубовичье.
В остальных районах Ивановской области пожарная обстановка в лесах относительно спокойная, но дым от пожаров в Южском и Пестяковском районов покрывает большую часть области, в том числе областной центр город Иваново. По свидетельствам очевидцев, в Иваново наблюдается смог, видимость ограничена.
Леса Южского и Пестяковского районов, по данным Комитета Ивановской области по лесному хозяйству, переданы в аренду на 49 лет ООО “Ивановская лесопромышленная компания” для реализации так называемого “приоритетного инвестиционного проекта в области освоения лесов”. Согласно Лесному кодексу РФ, лица, которым леса предоставлены в аренду, должны обеспечивать противопожарное обустройство лесов, создание и содержание систем предупреждения и тушения лесных пожаров. В Южском и Пестяковском районах противопожарное обустройство лесов не было в должной мере проведено, системы тушения лесных пожаров явно не были созданы. Пожары пытаются тушить главным образом работники лесничеств, но их силы, оставшиеся после реформ последних лет, настолько малы, что при таком уровне пожарной опасности в лесах они практически не могут противостоять пожарам. Действенных мер по привлечению “приоритетных инвесторов” к борьбе с лесными пожарами в Ивановской области, насколько это известно, не предпринимается.
В мае 2010 года в Южском районе Ивановской области произошел крупный лесной пожар, ставший предвестником нынешней беды. Майский пожар показал полную неготовность органов государственной власти Ивановской области к борьбе с лесными пожарами. По итогам майского пожара руководитель Комитета Ивановской области по лесному хозяйству была уволена, но никаких реальных изменений в системе управления лесами региона так и не произошло.
Rosleskhoz: Extreme Forest Fire Situation is Emerging in Central and Volga Federal OkrugsJuly 28, 2010.Extreme Forest Fire Situation is Emerging in Central and Volga Federal Okrugs.Rosleskhoz informs that critical situation is still in Ivanovo, Ryazan, Nizny Novgorod Oblasts.By July 26, 2010 5 large forest fires were active in Ivanovo Oblast. 2 of them restarted from fires contained earlier. Burned area exceeded 1,000 hectares during 24 hours.25 forest fires suppressed in Vladimir Oblast last 24 hours. Burned are is equal to 230 forested hectares. One settlement was fully destroyed near Gus Khrustalny settlement. By the morning July 27 no wildfires found in Vladimir Oblast.In Ryazan Oblast 6 large fires are active on area 400 ha. During last 24 hours one fire was contained. Actually all fires are active on leased forest lands. On July 26 large forest fire came to Volga Federal Okrug from Ryazan Oblast and it was the cause of fire in settlement Vyksun region Nizny Novgorod Oblast. More than 7,000 ha forested area was burned. By July 26 12 forest fires are active on area more than 5,000 ha in Nizny Novgorod Oblast.Complicated situation is also in other regions of Central and Volga Federal Okrugs as Kostroma, Voronez and Moscow Oblasts, Republic Marii El. Tense situation is in Ural and Far East Fedral Okrugs.As first response Rosleskhoz sent 5 appeals about critical fire situations to heads of local administrations and asked to strengthen measures to fire control.On July 27 after task meeting Rosleskhoz studied the possibility to involve highly-qualified specialists from Krasnoyarsk Krai, Irkutsk Oblast and Kareliya Republic for suppressing large forest fires in Nizny Novgorod, Ryazan Oblast on the frame of inter-regional fire power maneuver.Rosleskhoz examined causes of numerous burnings in Moscow Oblast forested area. As a result it was decided toughening measures to control forest visits by public and entries by means of transport.Source: Рослесхоз: На территории Центрального и Приволжского федеральных округов сложилась крайне сложная лесопожарная ситуация
На территории Центрального и Приволжского федеральных округов сложилась крайне сложная лесопожарная ситуация.
Критической ситуация остаётся в Ивановской, Рязанской и Нижегородской областях, сообщает Рослесхоз.
В Ивановской области по состоянию на 26 июля 2010 года действовало 5 крупных лесных пожаров. Из них возобновились 2 пожара из ранее локализованных. Площадь, пройденная пожарами за день, превысила тысячу гектаров.
Во Владимирской области за сутки ликвидировано 25 лесных пожаров. Огнём пройдено 230 гектаров покрытой лесом площади. Пожаром уничтожен 1 населённый пункт (в районе посёлка Гусь-Хрустальный). По состоянию на утро 27 июля действующих пожаров на территории Владимирской области нет.
В Рязанской области продолжают действовать 6 крупных лесных пожаров общей площадью 400 гектаров. За истекшие сутки был локализован 1 пожар. Практически все пожары действуют на арендованных участках лесного фонда. 26 июля крупный лесной пожар Рязанской области перешёл в Приволжский федеральный округ и стал причиной пожара в населённом пункте Выксунского района Нижегородской области. Огнём пройдено более 7 тыс. гектаров лесной площади. По состоянию на 26 июля 2010 года на территории Нижегородской области действует 12 лесных пожаров на площади более 5 тыс. гектаров.
Сложная ситуация сохраняется и в других регионах Центрального и Приволжского федеральных округов: Костромской, Воронежской и Московской областях, Республике Марий Эл. Напряженная обстановка на территории Уральского и Дальневосточного федеральных округов.
В рамках оперативного реагирования Рослесхозом было направлено 5 обращений к главам регионов с критической лесопожарной обстановкой о необходимости усиления мер пожарного контроля.
27 июля 2010 года по результатам оперативного совещания Рослесхоз в рамках межрегионального маневрирования силами и средствами пожаротушения проработал возможность привлечения на тушение крупных пожаров в Нижегородской, Рязанской областей подготовленных специалистов из Красноярского края, Иркутской области и Республики Карелия.
Рослесхозом рассмотрены причины большого числа возгораний на территории лесного фонда Московской области. В результате принято решение о необходимости ужесточения мер контроля посещения лесов населением и въезда на территорию лесного фонда Московской области транспортных средств.
Sergey Shoigu: In 2010 burned area decreased 2 times
July 28, 2010.
Wildfires burned area decreased two times in 2010. A Head of Russia EMERCOM Sergey Shoigu reported it to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in a meeting devoted to the problem of forest fires and their effects.
From the beginning of the year number of fires increased by 6% but thanks to taken actions their burned area decreased 2.3 times. However, give rise to trouble situation with peat fires. Their number increased 2.7 times. Area of peat fires 3.2 times exceeds average long-term values and last year averages. A Head of Russia EMERCOM noted this and added but situation is controllable.
In Russia regions 42 peat fires are starting daily but 90% of them are suppressed the same day. It was organized the system of crisis management and aviation involved to control fires.
On the whole, special fire fighting regime introduced in 32 regions of Russian Federation where entry to forests is forbidden. Sergey Shoigu noted that adopted measures allowed to avoid serious losses in economy, transport infrastructure, gas and oil lines.
He believes that situation is complicated and it is necessary to take additional measures quickly and in the nearest future. In his opinion in dangerous regions where drought and people are going out the forests it is necessary to increase groups to control forest visits and to control fire situation both from air and ground.
Minister also gone into the details on the situation in nature reserves and national parks. He told that their administrators independently contracts to suppress fires or they suppressing fire themselves. For example, one nature reserve in Novgorod Oblast has only one tractor and three chainsaws. The same is not only there as noted a Head of EMERCOM.
Source: Сергей Шойгу: Площадь природных пожаров в 2010 году сократилась в два раза
28/07. Площадь природных пожаров в 2010 году сократилась в два раза. Об этом глава МЧС России Сергей Шойгу доложил председателю Правительства РФ Владимиру Путину на совещании по проблеме лесных пожаров и борьбе с их последствиями.
“Всего с начала года количество пожаров увеличилось на 6 процентов, в то же время благодаря принятым мерам их площадь сократилась в 2,3 раза. Однако вызывает беспокойство ситуация с торфяными пожарами – их число увеличилось в 2,7 раза. Площадь (торфяных пожаров) в 3,2 раза превышает средние многолетние значения и показатели прошлого года, – отметил глава МЧС России, – но ситуация контролируема”.
В среднем в российских регионах ежедневно возникает 42 торфяных пожара, но 90 процентов из них тушат уже в день обнаружения. Для борьбы с пожарами сформирована система антикризисного управления, привлечена авиация.
“В целом особый противопожарный режим введен в 32 субъектах Российской Федерации, где запрещен въезд в леса. Принятыми мерами удалось избежать серьезных потерь для экономики, транспортной инфраструктуры, нефте- и газопроводов”, – сказал Сергей Шойгу.
“Конечно, ситуация сложная, надо предпринять дополнительные меры в срочном порядке и в перспективе”, – считает глава МЧС России. По его мнению, в особо опасных регионах, где засуха и люди выходят в леса, надо усилить группировку по контролю за посещаемостью лесов и по контролю за пожарной обстановкой как с воздуха, так и на земле.
Министр остановился и на ситуации в заповедниках и национальных парках. “Их руководители самостоятельно заключают договора на привлечение сил и средств, либо сами проводят тушение. Так, в одном из заповедников в Новгородской области на вооружении находится только один трактор и три бензопилы. И так не только там”, – констатировал глава МЧС России.
Russia Fights 334 Wildfires; Moscow Choking From Drifting Peat-Bog Smoke
Russian emergency crews are fighting 334 forest fires covering an area of 81,321 hectares (201,000 acres), as Moscow remains wrapped in smoke from burning peat bogs east of the city.
Firefighters extinguished 367 blazes across the country in the last 24 hours, including 47 on peat bogs drained for agriculture in the Soviet era, the Emergency Situations Ministry said on its website today. Of the bog fires, 43 occurred in the Moscow region. Since the start of the fire season, 21,209 fires have claimed 449,634 hectares of forest.
Moscow authorities asked motorists to avoid the city center in order not to aggravate the already difficult environmental situation, the transportation department said on its website. A sharp burning smell has pervaded the entire city, and particularly intense smog has settled in the south, southeast and east of the city, the department said.
A heat wave has set temperature records in many cities this month and compounded a drought that led the government to declare weather-related emergencies in 23 crop-producing regions. Agriculture Minister Yelena Skrynnik said on July 23 that the drought had damaged 10.1 million hectares, or 32 percent of all land under cultivation.
Peat Fires Rage Across Moscow Amid Heatwave
Thick smog has smothered Moscow as peat fires rage outside a city which is already stifled by an unprecedented heatwave.
Temperatures have reached 38C, the highest in Moscow since records began 130 years ago.
Eighty miles away is the source, where the earth is burning. Peat and forest fires were started by the hottest weather in decades.
Containing them has become the challenge.
Crews across the Moscow region have had to deal with around 60 such outbreaks.
The conditions they are working in are intense, the earth literally smoulders and the heat of the sun combined with the fires is almost unbearable.
Firefighter Alexander Marchenko told Sky News: “These fires require a lot of equipment like tractors and bulldozers.
“The locations are usually remote and hard to access. It’s also hard to maintain a water supply.
“It’s now more than four weeks that the temperature has been above average and there hasn’t been a drop of rain.”
Most of the fire-stricken areas are uninhabited but the smoke created by them is having a big impact on a city of 10 million people.
Scientists say the number of toxic particles in the air is eight times the normal level. People have been warned to stay indoors with windows closed.
Many have been seeking relief from the heat in water.
Hundreds of people have died in their attempts to cool off, with 65 in the past weekend alone. Many deaths have been put down to drunkenness and badly-managed beaches.
Across Russia crops are being obliterated as the heat refuses to ease – 20% of all Russia’s arable land has been destroyed.
The forecasts offer no respite as temperatures look set to smash all records and reach 40C by the end of the week.
Such conditions are testing for a country more adept and familiar with sub zero climes.
Putin orders peat firefight
Russia’sprime minister Vladimir Putin ordered the Moscowregion authorities and the Emergency Ministry to work out a program on fighting peat fires.
He conducted a meeting on the issue on Tuesday.
Prime Ministeradmitted the situation is difficult but controllable and noted that the overall territory hit by fires has reduced three times compared to the last year.
According to the Emergency Minister Sergey Shoygu, peat fires are the most alarming and numerous thisyear.
Averagely, 42 such fires are registered daily in Russia but they are timely fought.
The fires and drought arecaused by abnormal over 30 Cheat which hit Moscowsince mid June.
A state of emergency has beendeclared in 23 regions of the country.
Economy survives forest fires – Russias Emergency Minister
Russiaseconomy hasnt been seriously hit by forest fires, the Emergency Minister Sergey Shoygu told prime minister Vladimir Putin at a meeting on forest fires.
Thenumber of fires has increased by 6 percent since January but the territory hit by them has reduced more than twice.
Still, peat fires are alarming.
Daily, more than 40 peatfires are registered in all Russian regions.
They are fought by aircraft andfiremen.
Shoygu also proposed toughercontrol over picnickers and air monitoring of forests.
Moscow May Break Heat Record as Russia’s Heartland Burns, Drownings Rise
Moscow is set to break a heat record for a second day running as wildfires rage across European Russia, burning entire villages to the ground in some regions.
The temperature soared to a record 37.4 degrees Celsius (99.3 Fahrenheit) in Moscow yesterday, the hottest since records began 130 years ago. The capital is likely to get even hotter today, the All-Russian Research Institute for Hydrometeorological Information said on its website. The air temperature was 34.8 degrees as of 1:50 p.m.
Forest fires blazed in 282 spots across Russia as of 6:00 a.m., covering 52,060 hectares (about 129,000 acres), according to the Emergency Situations Ministry. In all, 575 wildfires were burning, including 34 in peat bogs drained during the Soviet era for agriculture, the ministry said on its website. Since the start of the fire season, 418,000 hectares have burned, the ministry said.
The fires will increase sharply if the heat wave continues, Nikolai Shmatkov, the World Wildlife Funds forest program expert in Moscow, said by telephone today. The peak is still ahead.
Entire villages in the Mordovia and Ryazan regions in central Russia have fallen to fires, state broadcaster Rossiya 24 reported. A fire-fighting train arrived in Mordovia too late to save one village after strong winds fuelled the flames.
Carbon Monoxide
Moscow is enveloped in gray haze from burning peat bogs outside the city. The concentration of poisonous carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in the air increased by as much as 30 percent from yesterday, Alexei Popikov, a Moscow-based analyst at the state environmental monitoring agency, said on state radio Vesti FM. Central Moscow is among the worst-affected areas, though people across the capital should limit the time they spend outdoors, he said.
The heat wave has also hit Russias economy, with drought damage to 10.1 million hectares, or 32 percent of all land under cultivation, Agriculture Minister Yelena Skrynnik said on July 23. The ministry has declared weather-related emergencies in 23 crop-producing regions.
Fires erupted on four wheat and barley fields in central Russia overnight, according to Rossiya 24. Russia, the worlds third-biggest wheat exporter, will harvest about 80 million metric tons of grain this season, 17 percent less than last year, according to Moscow-based researcher SovEcon.
Grain Prices
Grain prices rose as much as 33 percent last week on drought concerns, SovEcon said on its website. Grain prices may double this year because of the drought, according to the Grain Producers Union.
Unusually high temperatures have contributed to record deaths by drowning across Russia, which increased by 688 in the past three weeks, Rossiiskaya Gazeta reported on July 23, citing Emergency Situations Ministry data. Most of those who drowned were intoxicated, the governments newspaper of record said.
Another 47 people died in the last 24 hours, according to the Emergency Situations Ministry. Source:
Scientist Says Hundreds May Die As Smog Blankets Moscow
A prominent scientist said hundreds of people could die as smog from peat fires blanketed a sweltering Moscow for a second day on Tuesday.
Moscow region chief Boris Gromov asked Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to allocate 25 billion roubles ($827 million) to fight the fires smoldering in the forests around Moscow.
Alexei Yablokov, an internationally renowned biologist who runs Russia’s Green Party, said air pollution caused by the smog’s high amount of carbon dioxide could kill hundreds more people than usual in the Moscow region.
“There will be at least 100 additional deaths per day this time round,” Yablokov told Reuters, referring to the last such smog cloud in 2002 in which he calculated 600 people had died each week.
The Moscow government agency overseeing air pollution, Mosekonomonitoring, said the levels of carbon monoxide in the air on Tuesday shot up by 20-30 percent more than normal levels.
Russia’s senior public health official suggested on Tuesday employers free their staff while the thick smog and record-breaking heat in the Russian capital surged.
“Employers, if there is a possibility, could allow people to not come to work,” Gennady Onishchenko, head of Russia’s health protection agency, told Interfax news agency.
Peat, used in the past to produce heat and electricity, smolders deep underground in winters and summers. Gromov said the only solution to the fires was to pour water over deposits.
“According to preliminary estimates, only in one district where fires are now most severe, over 4.5 billion roubles is needed. We have five such districts,” Gromov told Putin during an emergency video conference.
Putin said he would ask the emergency and economy ministries to examine the request.
The emergencies ministry said that in the last 24 hours there had appeared 58 new fires in the Moscow region, 30 of them at peat deposits.
Latest Satellite Scene:
Fires burning in the Moscow region, 27 July 2010. Source: Moderate Resolution
Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASAs Aqua satellite.
Eurasian Experimental Fire Weather Information System
The system has been developed by forest fire researchers from Canada, Russia and Germany is displayed on this website starting 18 July 2001. Complete information and a set of daily fire weather and fire behaviour potential maps covering Eurasia (the Baltic Region, Eastern Europe, countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Mongolia) can be accessed at:
Example of the Eurasian Experimental Fire Weather Information System:
Latest map of the Experimental Fire Weather Index (FWI) for Russia and neighbouring countries
Daily Fire Occurrence and Fire Danger Maps of the Fire Laboratory of the Sukachev Institute of Forest, Krasnoyarsk
Selected fire occurrence maps, satellite images and a forest fire danger map are prepared daily by the Russian GFMC correspondent Dr. Anatoly Sukhinin, Fire Laboratory of the Sukachev Institute of Forest, Krasnoyarsk, in collaboration with the Emergency Situation Monitoring and Forecasting Agency, Krasnoyarsk branch. The maps are produced on the base of satellite data (classification by the NOAA AVHRR). They show the fire locations (by latitude and longitude) and the area affected by fire (red signature, size in ha). The red arrow at each fire location points to the nearest populated place. The terms Oblast or Kray used in the maps are designations of administrative regions. A map showing the boundaries of administrative regions and a legend is included below.
Map legend
Administrative boundaries
Overview map showing large fire locations detected over the last 10 days:
Latest maps maps showing fire activities of 28 July 2010 (selection):
Tomsk Region Krasnodar Kray Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area/Okrug
More maps of other regions are available on request:
For more details on fire in the Russian Federation:
- IFFN Russian Federation Special Issue (IFFN 32)
- Russia 2002 fire report
- IFFN Russian Federation 2002 Fire Special (IFFN 28)
- IFFN Reports from Russia
- Fire Research Campaign Asia-North (FIRESCAN)
Bibliography on fire in ecosystems of boreal Eurasia:
One of the results of the first international fire science conference in the Russian Federation (1993) was the publication of a monograph on fire in boreal Eurasia, including some selected contributions on boreal North America. The literature cited in the monograph contains numerous publications which in many cases are not easily accessible. To facilitate literature search the bibliographical sources are provided by topic (chapter).
Goldammer, J.G. and V.V.Furyaev. 1996. Fire in Ecosystems of Boreal Eurasia. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 390 p.