IWFC Korea 2015

Outcomes of the Conference: The Pyeongchang Declaration “Fire Management and Sustainable Development” and the annexed Conference Statement”

Major Statements at the Conference: Opening Address by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Announcement of the 7th International Wildland Fire Conference in Brazil (2019)

Participation and contributions of the Global Wildland Fire Network, International Organizations and Major Groups: Session Agendas, Statements, Session Abstracts and Poster

Statements of the UN, International Organizations and Major Groups

Regional Statements

Regional Network Sessions Reports

Regional Sessions Agendas (Cluster Sessions): 13 October 2015

Global Session Agenda: 15 October 2015

Joint Meeting of the Global Wildland Fire Network and Conference Participants

Regional Abstracts

Regional Posters

Conference Programme and Side Event Agendas

Daily Conference Newsletters

Immediate Follow-up Activities, Reports and Publications

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