IWFC Korea 2015
Outcomes of the Conference: The Pyeongchang Declaration “Fire Management and Sustainable Development” and the annexed Conference Statement”
- The Pyeongchang Declaration “Fire Management and Sustainable Development” (16 October 2015)
- The Conference Statement (Annex to the Pyeongchang Declaration Fire Management and Sustainable Development) (16 October 2015)
Major Statements at the Conference: Opening Address by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Announcement of the 7th International Wildland Fire Conference in Brazil (2019)
- Video message of the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (mov, 0.6 GB)
- Transcript of the opening address by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (PDF, 0.6 MB)
- Video message by the Ministry for Environment of Brazil, Climate Secretary Carlos Klink, with the announcement of Brazil hosting the next conference in 2019 (mov, 0.2 GB)
Participation and contributions of the Global Wildland Fire Network, International Organizations and Major Groups: Session Agendas, Statements, Session Abstracts and Poster
Statements of the UN, International Organizations and Major Groups
- Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
- International Fire Aviation Working Group (IFAWG)
Regional Statements
- Eurasia
- Central Asia
- South Asia
- South East Asia
- North East Asia
- Australasia
- Subsahara Africa
- South African Fire Network
- SE Europe /Caucasus
- Euro-Alpine
- Mediterranean
- North America
- South America
- Mesoamerica
- Caribbean
Regional Network Sessions Reports
- I – North America and Australasia
- II – South America and Mesoamerica
- III – Pan-Asia
- IV – Mediterranean and Near East
- V – Euro-Siberia
- VI – Subsahara Africa
Regional Sessions Agendas (Cluster Sessions): 13 October 2015
- I – North America and Australasia
- II – South America and Mesoamerica
- III – Pan-Asia
- IV – Mediterranean and Near East
- V – Euro-Siberia
- VI – Subsahara Africa
Global Session Agenda: 15 October 2015
Joint Meeting of the Global Wildland Fire Network and Conference Participants
Regional Abstracts
- Eurasia
- Central Asia
- South Asia
- South East Asia
- North East Asia
- Australasia
- Subsahara Africa
- South African Fire Network
- SE Europe /Caucasus
- Euro-Alpine
- Mediterranean
- North America
- South America
- Mesoamerica
Regional Posters
- GWFN and Global Wildland Fire Advisory Group
- Eurasia
- Central Asia
- South Asia
- South East Asia
- North East Asia
- Australasia
- Subsahara Africa
- GOFC-GOLD Southern Africa
- SE Europe /Caucasus
- Euro-Alpine
- Mediterranean
- North America
- North America – Mexico
- South America
- GOFC-GOLD Latin America
- Mesoamerica
Conference Programme and Side Event Agendas
- Conference Programme (PDF, 14 MB)
- Side Events Overview and Schedule (12 -15 Oct. 2015)
- International Fire Aviation Working Group (IFAWG): Fire Aviation Guidelines (12 Oct. 2015)
- GFMC / Council of Europe / UNESCO / OSCE: Fire Management in Protected Areas (with abstracts) (13 Oct. 2015)
- ITTO/GFMC: Putting a Break on Fire (15 Oct. 2015)
- ITTO/GFMC: Putting a Break on Fire – Flyer
Daily Conference Newsletters
- Newsletter 12 October 2015
- Newsletter 13 October 2015
- Newsletter 14 October 2015
- Newsletter 15 October 2015
Immediate Follow-up Activities, Reports and Publications
- Presentation of the Pyeongchang Declaration message to COP 21 by the Chair of the Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee of the Republic of Korea (Paris, 08 December 2015)- Adoption of the Paris Agreement, 12 December 2015 (FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1) (Note: Relevance to fire management: Item 55 and Article 5) (PDF, 0.6 MB)
- Local Fires, Global Worries. A report from the 6th International Wildland Fire Conference in Korea and its impacts on global fire management (PDF, 5.0 MB)
- Special issue of International Forest Fire News (IFFN) (No. 45, December 2015) covering the main messages and outcomes of the 6th International Wildland Fire Conference (GFMC website with individual chapters and the complete volume for download)