GFMC Calendar 2023

January| February| March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

Overview of Selected GFMC Activities ahead in 2023

Overview of Selected GFMC Activities ahead in 2023

January 2023

03 January 2023
Monthly preparatory meeting of the International Liaison Committee (ILC) and Conference Organizing Committee for the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC-8) in Portugal, 16-19 May 2023.

11 January 2023
Online consultation with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on the post-war Environmental Impact Assessments, focus on assessment of the impacts of the war in Ukraine on wildfires and related environmental impacts.

12-18 January 2023
Online consultations with German Federal Ministry for Environment and Secretariat of the UN Convention on Combat of Desertification (UNCCD) on G20 Global Land Initiative and G20 publication “Study on restoration of forest fire impacted areas for recovering the natural bio-diversity”; Bonn, GFMC.

18 January 2023
Meeting with Emmendingen County administration (Fire and Rescue Service Commissioner, County Forest Office and Landscape Restoration Office), Freiburg Fire and Rescue Service and GFMC on cross-boundary cooperation in fire management between Freiburg City and Emmendingen County; GFMC.

20 January 2023
Round table on Germany-Ukraine bilateral cooperation in forestry with emphasis on post-war reconstruction of forests in Ukraine; German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture, Berlin, Germany.

20-21 January 2023
GFMC training of personnel specialized on fire management on terrain contaminated by unexploded ordnance (UXO) (prescribed burning, wildfire suppression); DiBuKa Academy, Seehausen, Germany.

23 January 2023
Round table on climate crisis and forest fire early warning and detection in the forests of the city of Freiburg, with Environment Office, Forest Office and Fire Service, City of Freiburg.

24 January 2023
Meeting with Freiburg Regional Council (Regierungspräsidium Freiburg), Regional Fire and Rescue Service Commissioner, Freiburg Fire and Rescue Service and GFMC on regional  cooperation in fire management; GFMC.

25-26 January 2023Meeting of the Expert Group of the Pan-European Forest Risk Knowledge Mechanism (FoRISK), Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe – FOREST EUROPE; Online.

February 2023

02 February 2023
Delivery of GFMC comments to the Committee for Interior Affairs of the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) State Parliament, Mrs. Angela Erwin, concerning printed matter 18/981 “No firefighting planes in NRW? – Expression of an insufficient civil protection aircraft infrastructure in NRW with the consequence of a lack of community-friendly European cooperation in the field of forest and vegetation firefighting”.

03 February 2023
PEDRR Partners Meeting with topics (among other)

  • UNCCCD G20 Initiative on Land Restoration
  • Sendai Framework for DRR – High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Midterm Review (HLM), New York, 18-19 May 2023

07 February 2023
Monthly preparatory meeting of the International Liaison Committee (ILC) and Conference Organizing Committee for the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC-8) in Portugal, 16-19 May 2023.

08 February 2023
Regionalveranstaltung zur kommunalen Klimaanpassung in den Regionen Nordschwarzwald und Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg „Kommunen JETZT klimaresilient machen!“, Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg LUBW (Regional Meeting addressing climate adaptation of local communities Black Forest region „Making Local Communities Climate Resilient NOW“), with GFMC contribution „Klimakrise und Landschaftsbrände: Eine Querschnittsaufgabe auf kommunaler Ebene – das Freiburger Modell“ (Climate crisis and landscape fires: A cross-sectional task at municipal level – the Freiburg model) (J.G. Goldammer); Freiburg, online.

08 February 2023
Workshop “Communicating the important role of sustainable forest management to prevent wildfires” – jointly organized by the European Forest Institute (EFI), the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC) and FOREST EUROPE, aiming at raising the social and political awareness and to develop general recommendations to strengthen the communication related to wildfire prevention and the associated importance of sustainable forest management; with GFMC contribution “Wildfire Prevention at Community Level: Role and Formation of Local Competency Clusters” (J.G. Goldammer, 08 February 2023, online); Barcelona, Spain.

14 February 2023
Consultation with UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Forestry Department on continuing cooperation in context of the “Global Fire Management Hub”; Rome / GFMC, online.

15 February 2023
Annual assembly of Freiburg Fire Service, with GFMC participation as thematic advisor “Landscape Fires”; Freiburg, Germany. For details of the Freiburg Landscape Fire Management Model (in German):

16 February 2023

Agencies of Ukraine and – among other – OECD and OSCE met with the purpose: Numerous actors, at the international and local levels, have undertaken impact assessments in Ukraine to gather information on the environmental effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. To obtain a meaningful picture of the impact there is a need to foster coherence between the approaches. The seminar introduced some of these assessments with a focus on the substantive results and methodological approaches applied in carrying them out. It provided an opportunity to discuss how to enhance coherence between the assessments and to use them to inform policies for the post-war green reconstruction and recovery of Ukraine. OSCE presented the project “Assessment of environmental impacts of the war against Ukraine and options for remediation”. REEFMC and GFMC are responsible for the component “Rural Environment – Landscape Fires”; Geneva, online.

Planting cabbage between two destroyed tanks – a sign of hope?

18-27 February 2023
Work visit of GFMC staff Jameson Karns on GFMC archive; GFMC.

22 February 2023
Partner meeting of the “Landscape Fire Management in the Western Balkans” (LFMWB). LFMWB is a programme on cross-boundary cooperation in landscape fire management, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, implemented in the first phase 2022-2025 by the Regional Fire Monitoring Center for Southeast Europe / South Caucasus (RFMC) through the Regional Executive Agency (REA) FARMAHEM, financed by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and supported by GFMC; online.

24 February 2023
Work visit of the Secretariat of the UN Convention on Combat of Desertification (UNCCD) on G20 Global Land Initiative; GFMC.

Discussion of cooperative work between UNCCD / G20 and GFMC: Muralee Thummarukudy, Director, G20 Global Initiative on Land, UNCCD Secretariat (left), Tony Simons, Senior Fellow – CIFOR-ICRAF; UNCCD G20 Land Initiative (center) and GFMC Chief Johann G Goldammer (right). © Photo by Dennis Eapen Pulimittathu, UNCCD Secretariat.

March 2023

01 March 2023
Capacity building and knowledge exchange workshop “Ukraine forest fires prevention in times of war” organized by FOREST EUROPE and supported by GFMC and REEFMC; online.

Presentations of GFMC and REEFMC addressed collateral damages of the war resulting in extended wildfires. Preparation of the fire season starting spring 2023 were presented.

03 March 2023
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Project Briefing “Assessment of environmental impacts of the war against Ukraine and options for remediation”. Aim of the OSCE project is to assess the environmental impacts of the war and contribute to the remediation of the damages to and the degradation of the environment in Ukraine, in order to address and reduce future safety and security risks. REEFMC and GFMC are responsible for the component “Rural Environment – Landscape Fires”; OSCE, Vienna, Hofburg.

07 March 2023
Monthly preparatory meeting of the International Liaison Committee (ILC) and Conference Organizing Committee for the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC-8) in Portugal, 16-19 May 2023.

08 March 2023
National consultation of NGOs and private entrepreneurs on fire management in Germany: Establishment of the Germany Fire Management Advisory and Support Group; Hannover, Germany.

28 March 2023
Work visit of the Bavaria Fire Service School, Würzburg, Germany, on cooperation in aerial fire suppression and capacity building; GFMC.

Demonstration of the WTR firefighting unit for agricultural and forestry tractors

31 March 2023
Consultation on cooperation in landscape fire management in South America; online.

April 2023

04 April 2023
Monthly preparatory meeting of the International Liaison Committee (ILC) and Conference Organizing Committee for the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC-8) in Portugal, 16-19 May 2023; online.

05 April 2023
Consultation with German Federal Ministry for Environment on G20 Global Land Initiative; GFMC.

05 April 2023
Exhibition and presentations “Burning Forests. Urgent Problems” (Brennende Wälder. Drängende Probleme). Participation of the Freiburg Model „Task Force Landscape Fires“, a cooperative effort with GFMC, at Rottenburg Forestry College; Rottenburg, Germany.

06 April 2023
Freiburg Landscape Fire Management Cluster: Review of and field inspection and of the Schauinsland Cable Car wildfire safety (GFMC advisor); Freiburg, Germany.

13-14 April 2022
Project planning with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, on the climate change / wildfire projects in Central Asia (Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan), South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) and South East Europe (Albania, North Macedonia, *Kosovo); OSCE Vienna, FFMC Skopje and FMRC-CAR Ulaanbaatar; GFMC.

17 April 2022
First interagency /stakeholder dialogue of the German Resilience Strategy, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030; Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, German Government, Berlin, Germany.

Stakeholder participation included the German Federal Agency for Disaster Relief (THW), German Association of Fire and Rescue Services (Deutscher Feuerwehrverband) and GFMC. Photo: © DFV.

17 April 2022

German Bundestag Parliamentary Hearing, Commission for Interior and Community, on National Efforts in Forest Fire Fighting and Aerial Firefighting Resources; Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin, Germany.

GFMC Chief Johann G Goldammer responding to questions of parliamentary groups. Photo: © Bundestag.

20 April 2022
GFMC seminar on basics and tactics of landscape fires for Sylt Island fire and rescue services; Rantum Fire Service, Sylt, Germany.

25-26 April 2022
Wildfire Technology Management Summit 2023, with GFMC contribution “The International Landscape Fire Management Framework: Enhancing Governance in International Cooperation”; Sacramento, California, U.S.A.

May 2023

02 May 2023
Monthly preparatory meeting of the International Liaison Committee (ILC) and Conference Organizing Committee for the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC-8) in Portugal, 16-19 May 2023.

Final ILC meeting before IWFC-8

04 May 2023
Partner meeting of the “Landscape Fire Management in the Western Balkans” (LFMWB) programme on cross-boundary cooperation in landscape fire management, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, in preparation and for participation at the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference (Portugal, 16-19 May 2023); online.

09 May 2023
Thematic meeting on Forest Fires (Fachtagung Waldbrand), German Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe – FNR), aimed at supporting knowledge transfer among research and demonstration projects sponsored by FNR in the frame of the Waldklimafonds (a joint programme of the German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture and the Federal Ministry for Environment) and exchange of nationwide forest fire actors; with GFMC keynote presentation “Forest fire reloaded: Securing an unsecure future” (Waldbrand reloaded: Sicherung einer unsicheren Zukunft); Dömitz, Germany.

The presentations were broadcasted online. Photo: © FNR

10 May 2023
International Conference : “Strengthening Collaboration on Global Forest and land Fire Management” jointly organized by the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University and France Embassy of Indonesia, with GFMC contribution “Global Fire”; hybrid from IPB International Conference Center, Bogor, Indonesia.

16-19 May 2023
8th International Wildland Fire Conference; Porto, Portugal.

Session “Landscape Fire Governance Framework”

Session “Landscape Fire Governance Framework”

Closing Ceremony

Representatives of the Global Wildland Fire Network (GWFN) at the GWFN poster screen 

24 May 2023

Forest fire management consultation at the Berlin State Parliament (Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus), convened by Juliane Schneider (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN) in cooperation with CDU (Christian Democrat Party); Berlin, Germany

June 2023

06 June 2023
FOREST EUROPE Ukraine Initiative: Third expert workshop, with GFMC interim report “Update of Activities of Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center (REEFMC) and Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC)” (by Oleksandr M. Soshenskyi, Sergiy Zibtsev and Johann Georg Goldammer); online.

Presentations of GFMC and REEFMC addressed collateral damages of the war resulting in extended wildfires and the activities planned for 2023 and beyond.

20 June 2023
21th Meeting of Directors General for Civil Protection of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), with GFMC contribution “Wildfire threats by land mines and unexploded ordnance during and after armed conflicts: Challenges and experiences for crisis resilience in the Baltic region and beyond” (J.G. Goldammer); Hamburg, Germany.

GFMC briefing of the Heads of the Civil Protection of Member States of the CBSS, joined online by the Head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Photo: CBSS Secretariat.

21 June 2023
TransParcNet Meeting 2023 “Fire and Water – How to deal with ‘natural’ disasters in transboundary parks cooperation?” With GFMC contribution “Fire Management and Wildfire Risk Reduction in Cross-boundary Protected Areas” (J.G. Goldammer); German-Dutch Nature Park Maas-Schwalm-Nette (DE-NL), Boshotel Vlodrop.

GFMC presentation on Fire Management and Wildfire Risk Reduction in Cross-boundary Protected Areas and discussion with representatives of transboundary parks from 13 European countries. Photo: TPC

22 June 2023
Berlin State Parliament (Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus) hearing on fire management as cross-sectoral task, with GFMC contribution on proposal for the future of integrated fire management in Berlin; Berlin, Germany.

22 June 2023
ZDF talk show Markus Lanz – discussion with GFMC director J.G. Goldammer on national German and global landscape fire issues (start: min. 59):

30 June 2023
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Presentation of the 12-month assessment review report within the framework of the project “Assessment of environmental impacts of the war against Ukraine and options for remediation”. Aim of the OSCE project is to assess the environmental impacts of the war and contribute to the remediation of the damages to and the degradation of the environment in Ukraine, in order to address and reduce future safety and security risks. REEFMC and GFMC are responsible for the component “Rural Environment – Landscape Fires”; OSCE, Vienna, Hofburg.

July 2023

03 July 2023
Consultation with FAO on cooperation in fire management; online.

07 July 2023
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) High-Level Conference on Climate Change, with GFMC contribution on climate change, security and wildfire risk management; Hofburg, Vienna, Austria.

10 July 2023
Consultation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on a preparatory mission for a regional technical cooperation project on Integrated Fire Management in the Amazon region with the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO); GFMC.

11 July 2023
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and Assessment System (VFSP-WAS) regular meeting; online.

17 July 2023
Visit of delegation of Forest Service of Lower Saxony State (Niedersachsen), GFMC briefing on fire management and the Freiburg Model; GFMC, Freiburg Forest Office and Fire and Rescue Service.

28 July 2023
Fire performance “Controlled Burn” – a GFMC contribution to Julian Charrière’s exhibition “Controlled Burn” in the Langen Foundation (4 September 2022 to 6 August 2023) Julian Charrière’s solo exhibition Controlled Burn will occupy the whole of the Tadao Ando designed Langen Foundation in Neuss, North Rhine-Westphalia, featuring 8 new commissions set within a constellation of major works from Charrière’s oeuvre, Controlled Burn represents the artist’s most extensive exhibition to date; Langen Foundation, Neuss, Germany.

August 2023

04-06 August 2023
GFMC retreat in Austria; Gumpenberg, Austria.

08 August 2023
Monthly meeting of the International Liaison Committee (ILC) of the International Wildland Fire Conferences; online.

12 August 2023
Regional SW Germany wildfire response exercise; Sexau / Freiburg, Germany.

31 August 2023
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and Assessment System (VFSP-WAS) Global Steering Committee (GSC) regular meeting; online.

September 2023

01 September 2023
Preparatory online meeting on implementation of activities of the OSCE programme “Strengthening Responses to Security Risks from Climate Change in South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia” in Georgia and Azerbaijan; Vienna, Baku, GFMC, online)

08 September 2023
Preparatory online meeting on implementation of activities of the OSCE programme “Strengthening Responses to Security Risks from Climate Change in South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia” in Georgia and Azerbaijan; Vienna, Tbilisi, Yerevan, GFMC, online)

12 September 2023
Monthly meeting of the International Liaison Committee (ILC) of the International Wildland Fire Conferences; online.

14-15 September 2023
2023 Prague Forum on the Economic and Environmental Dimension of the OSCE “Promoting security and stability in the OSCE area through achieving sustainable development, and resilient and inclusive economic growth”, with GFMC and RFMRC-CAR contributions on cross-boundary fire management in OSCE Participating States; Prague, Czech Republic, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Czernin Palace.

The 2023 Prague Forum reflected the security problems in the 57 Participating States related to climate change and conflicts. GFMC reported about achievements, current and future activities in cross-boundary fire management. Lower photo (from left): J.G. Goldammer (GFMC Director), S. Bayarsaikhan (Deputy Minister for Justice and Home Affairs of Mongolia), H.M. Schmid (OSCE Secretary General), R. Ernst (Deputy Coordinator, Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities [OCEEA]). G. Apuzzo (OCEEA), T. Mijiddorj (Ambassador Mongolia) and B. Jargalsaikhan (Independent Authority against Corruption of Mongolia). ©Photos: MZV ČR / MFA CZ.

14-16 September 2023
Participation of FEUERFRONT at FIREmobil, a 3-days performance fair, show, exercise and exchange on crisis management and disaster response with emphasis on wildfire management. With participation of the German Advisory and Support Group FEUERFRONT; Welzow, Brandenburg State, Germany.

18-22 September 2023

Partner meeting of the “Landscape Fire Management in the Western Balkans” (LFMWB). LFMWB is a programme on cross-boundary cooperation in landscape fire management, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, implemented in the first phase 2022-2025 by the Regional Fire Monitoring Center for Southeast Europe / South Caucasus (RFMC) through the Regional Executive Agency (REA) FARMAHEM, financed by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and supported by GFMC, with GFMC Contribution “Building capacities for adjusting landscape management to climate change – including the integration of all sectors that affect the environment and harmonizing legal legislation with EU legislation”; Berovo, Republic of North Macedonia.

October 2023

02-03 October 2023
International Wildfire Conference (IWC) “Control the Uncontrollable – Seeking Answers to Burning Questions”. The conference is bringing together leaders and decision-makers from the forestry, government, and science fields across the globe to discuss the growing challenges caused by wildfires, with a focus on the latest innovative solutions in Earth observation and data; GFMC contribution “Climate Collapse and Landscape Fires – Towards the Development of a Global Compact”; Landsberg, Germany.

09-12 October 2023

Fire management training of park management authorities and the civil emergency response units of the municipalities in the four protected areas of Korab-Koritnik, Mavrovo, Shar Mountain and Sharri/Šara on fire preparedness and response by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA), conducted by the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) and Regional Fire Monitoring Center for South-Eastern Europe and South Caucasus (RFMC). Field training was conducted in Mavrovo, North Macedonia, on 9-10 October 2023, followed by early warning of wildfire training in Skopje on 12 October 2023; Mavrovo and Skopje, North Macedonia.

10 October 2023
Monthly meeting of the International Liaison Committee (ILC) of the International Wildland Fire Conferences; online.

16-17 October 2023
Aerial Fire Fighting Europe 2023 (AFFEU-23). After the first Aerial Firefighting Conference, held in Greece in 2008, the Tangent Link Aerial Firefighting series returns to Greece for 2023, the leading event for Aerial Firefighting professionals in Europe. The two-day conference and exhibition will provide a platform for AFF specialists to debate and present on current aerial fighting challenges in Europe, with an emphasis on Southern and Eastern Europe/Mediterranean stakeholders. The conference will be co-chaired by Zisoula Ntasiou (National Coordination Center for Operations and Crisis Management, Hellenic Fire Corps) and Johann Georg Goldammer (Director, Global Fire Monitoring Center); Athens, Greece.

20 October 2023
Annual assembly 2023 of the State Fire Service Association of Baden-Württemberg State, Germany (Landesfeuerwehrverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.), with GFMC “Landschaftsbrände in Deutschland: Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen aus 45 Jahren” (Landscape fires in Germany: Experiences and recommendations out of 45 years – Fire Ecology Research Group / Global Fire Monitoring Center – GFMC); Singen, Hohentwiel, Germany.

24-25 October 2023
OSCE project “Strengthening Responses to Security Risks from Climate Change in South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia” (#1102151): Workshop „Developing a joint co-operation strategy and an implementation plan for fire risk reduction” in the frame of the activity “Climate Change and Security in Northern Armenia and Southern Georgia”, with GFMC support; Tbilisi, Georgia.

25 October 2023
OSCE project “Strengthening Responses to Security Risks from Climate Change in South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia” (#1102151): Workshop „Co-operation to strengthen climate resilience through fire risk reduction” in the frame of the activity “Climate Change and Security in North-west Azerbaijan and North-east Georgia”, with GFMC support; Tbilisi, Georgia.

November 2023

01 November 2023
Visit of the delegation of the Government of India in context of the G20 Global Land Initiative and the United Nations Forest Forum (UNFF) Country-led Initiative Thematic Area I – Forest Fires / Wildfires; GFMC.

From left to right: K. Ravichandran (Director of the Indian Institute of Forest Management in Bhopal) – Johann Georg Goldammer (Chief, GFMC) – Bivash Ranjan (Additional Director General of Wildlife at the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change in India.) – Sanjay Kumar Shukla (Inspector General for Forests in the Government of India) – Ishwar Narayanan (UNCCD Expert in India on Land Restoration). Photos: UNCCD Secretariat / Dennis Eapen Pulimittathu.

14-16 November 2023
Global Fire Management Hub – First Technical Workshop: Discussion of the Fire Hub pillars and roadmap with key partners, along with integration and transition of the 25-year work experience of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) and the Global Wildland Fire Network into the Fire Hub; FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy.

15 November 2023
European Parliament Hearing: “Preventing the Collapse of States in the Anthropocene”, with GFMC contribution “Towards Wildfire-Resilient Landscapes”,  presented by Gavriil Xanthopoulos, member of the GFMC-led National Committee on Perspectives of Landscape Fire Management in Greece; European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. 

21-22 November 2023
“Forum on Ukraine Forest Science and Educations: Needs and Priorities for Collaboration”, event was organized jointly by the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBiP), the International Institute of Applied System Analysis (IIASA), and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), with support from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML). The forum brought together Ukrainian forestry students, early and mid-career forest researchers and representatives of leading European universities and international institutions to discuss practical measures and strategic steps toward supporting sustainable forest management in Ukraine; with REEFMC / GFMC contribution “Boosting fire resilient landscapes and communities via climate-smart silviculture and wide stakeholders’ involvement”; IAASA, Laxenburg, Austria, and online.

28 November 2023
Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf | University of Applied Sciences | Peatland Science Center – Climate Talks Winter Semester 2023/2024, with GFMC presentation “Global Change and Wildfires: Review, Trends and Perspectives”; Freising, Germany, and online.

December 2023

02 December 2023
Symposium “Vegetation Fire Management – a Cross-sectoral Challenge for Communities, State, Forestry and Fire Service” (Symposium Vegetationsbrände als Querschnittsaufgabe für Kommunen, Staat, Forst und Feuerwehr), co-organized by Cham County Fire Service and County Fire Services Association, co-sponsored by Ministry for Interior, Bavaria State, Bavaria State Fire Services Association and GFMC; Bad Kötzting, Bavaria State, Germany.

Finals of the Symposium: Panel discussion with representatives of Czech Republic, Bavaria Private Forest Owners and Forest Farmers Associations, State Ministry of Interior of Bavaria, State Forest Service of Bavaria, moderated by GFMC.

03 December 2023
UNFCCC COP28 Side Event “Collective Action on Wildfire Management: Ways Forward to Address Evolving Disasters”. Organizers: Korea Forest Service (KFS), Natural Resources Canada, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) of Australia, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); with GFMC keynote “Challenges and opportunities in risk management of increasing future fires” (by J.G Goldammer); hybrid, COP28, Republic of Korea Pavilion, Dubai.

05 December 2023
GFMC lectures at Freiburg University, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources within the Master Module “Natural Hazards and Risk Management”. Lectures covering “Wildfire Disturbances, Fire Ecology and Fire Management in Boreal, Temperate and Tropical Forests” and “Introduction to Fire Management Training Materials”; Freiburg University, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Freiburg, Germany.

11 December 2023
First meeting of the Global Steering Committee (GSC) of the WMO Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and Assessment System (VFSP-WAS) (GFMC member of the GSC); online, WMO.

12-14 December 2023
2023 meeting of the International Liaison Committee (ILC) of the International Wildland Fire Conferences (in person); GFMC, Freiburg, Germany.

15 December 2023
Training seminar “Improving knowledge and understanding of institutional responsibilities for LFM in the WB countries” of the “Landscape Fire Management in the Western Balkans” (LFMWB) programme on cross-boundary cooperation in landscape fire management, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, implemented in the first phase 2022-2025 by the Regional Fire Monitoring Center for Southeast Europe / South Caucasus (RFMC) through the Regional Executive Agency (REA) FARMAHEM, financed by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and supported by GFMC; online and Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.

18 December 2023
Brainstorming meeting by GFMC, the President and the Managing Director of the German Association of Firefighting Services (Deutscher Feuerwehrverband) and DiBuKa (Dienstleistungen im Brand- und Katastrophenschutzfall – Fire and Disaster Protection Services) on mutual cooperation, public-private partnerships and fire management governance); DiBuKa, Seehausen, Germany.

President and Managing Director of the German Association of Firefighting Services and GFMC Chief welcomed by CEO of DiBuKa at the repository of armored firefighting tanks for use of prescribed burning and suppression firing on terrain contaminated by unexploded ordnance (UXO). ©Photo: GFMC.

31 December 2023
GFMC greetings for 2024: Happy New Year to all colleagues, cooperators and especially the members of the Global Wildland Fire Network, with some visual highlights of the outreach and policy work of GFMC in 2023:

WP-Backgrounds Lite by InoPlugs Web Design and Juwelier Schönmann 1010 Wien