Regional Northeast Asia Wildland Fire Network

A Region of the Global Wildland Fire Network

Fourth Meeting of the Regional Northeast Asia Wildland Fire Network

16-17 December 2007, Harbin, China

The Fourth Meeting of the UNSIDR Regional Northeast Asia Wildland Fire Network was hosted jointly by the Northeast Forestry University and the Chinese Academy of Forestry in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China.

Participants of the 4th Meeting of the UNSIDR Regional Northeast AsiaWildland Fire Network. From left to right: Wan Mingyu, representative of the Organizing Committee, Tian Xiaorui, Kim Dong Hyun, Shu Lifu, DiXueying, Zhou Ruliang, Lee Hyun Bock, Lee Myung Boo, Liu Xiaodong, Leonid Kondrashov, Indree Tuvshintogtokh, Anna Doroshenko, Bayartaa N.,Enkhtur Dagva, Bolor-Erdene Damdin, Ts. Chuluunbaatar, Representativeof the Organizing Committee



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