Regional Northeast Asia Wildland Fire Network

A Region of the Global Wildland Fire Network

First International Northeast Asia Forest Fire Conference 


Third Meeting of the Regional Northeast Asia Wildland Fire Network 

28 to 30 September 2006, Khabarovsk, Russia

The First International Northeast Asia Wildland Fire Conference and the Third Meeting of the UNSIDR Regional Northeast Asia Wildland Fire Network has been held in tandem in Khabarovsk, Russian Federation, 28-30 September 2006.

Meeting Announcements
Meeting Reports

Participants of the First International Northeast Asia WildlandFire Conference and the Third Meeting of the UNSIDR Regional Northeast AsiaWildland Fire Network. Upper row (from left to right): A.P. Sapozhnikov, J.G. Goldammer, V.V. Ostroshenko, A.M. Doroshenko, E.V. Brusova. Bottom row: (fromleft to right): Lkhamjav Tumurkhuu, Kim Dong Hyun, Lee Myung Bo, Cho Byung Cheol, N.V.  Vyvodtsev, G.A.  Missioura, L.G. Kondrashov, G.V. Sokolova, E.P. Davidenko, Bayartaa Nyamjav, M.A. Sheshukov, V.G. Kryukov, A.G. Grechko, K.  Makoto. – For the complete list of participants of the conference and network meeting see Annex II of the report of the meeting.



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