Regional Northeast Asia Wildland Fire Network

A Region of the Global Wildland Fire Network

Pan-Asia Wildland Fire Network Secretariat

Exchange with Republic of Kazakhstan

Four forest specialists from the Republic of Kazakhstan visited the Republic of Korea for the “Training Course on Forest Management System between the Republic of Korea and Republic of Kazakhstan”, which was held from 15 to 20 March 2014.

The specialists made a call on the Forest Fire Situation Room and received explanations of the 6th IWFC as well as Forest Fire Management Policy of Korea Forest Service.

The delegation from Kazakhstan showed interest in the Fire Control System and the methods to enhance public awareness of preventing fires. They mentioned that the outbreaks of wildland fire in Kazakhstan. Occasional transboundary fires from Russia have prompted both countries to cooperate with each other in controlling fires along the borders.

Kazakh and Korean forest and fire specialists at the joint briefings


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