A Region of the Global Wildland Fire Network

Regional Fire Management Training for Mongolia and Central Asia

Among its multiple functions FMRC-CAR is addressing the increasing demand on collection and distribution of data and information relevant to fire management with the regional neighbourhoods, the facilitation in capacity building in fire management at regional level and the exchange of human and technical resources where needed. The Regional Fire Management Training for Mongolia and Central Asia was held on 21-25 September 2015 in the Forestry Research and Training Center, Batsumber, Tuv province, Mongolia. The training was supported by GFMC. In the training, fire management authorities from neighboring Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan participated. EuroFire competency standard materials were used during the training, fire managers and local firefighters were enthusiastic about the training materials.

The Mongolian version of the EuroFire standards are accessible here:

Photo impressions of the Regional Fire Management Training for Mongolia and Central Asia

Field training: Classroom training in the cold

Setting up team and preparing the equipment and tools

Construction of a fireline

Starting a prescribed fire at an anchor point

Discussion with NEMA representatives and heads of GFMC and FMRC-CAR

Group photo with NEMA participants


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