Regional South East Asia Wildland Fire Network

A region of the Global Wildland Fire Network

Projects and Programmes in South East Asia

(Last significant update: 15 January 2004)

As a consequence of the fire and smog episode of 1991 in SE Asia which was mainly caused by fires burning on the Indonesian archipelago, the Government of Indonesia for the first time called for international cooperation to support national fire management capabilities. In June 1992 an international conference on Long-Term Integrated Forest Fire Management was held in Bandung. Participants were national agencies involved in fire management and the international community represented by national and international development organizations and potential donors. The objective of the conference was to develop the framework for an internationally concerted action plan on “Long-Term Integrated Forest Fire Management” for Indonesia. In this programme all partners involved are sharing expertise and resources in fire management. In the implementation process of the “Bandung Strategy” the first internationally assisted programmes were initiated, e.g. through

  • the bilateral Indonesian-German project “Integrated Forest Fire Management” (IFFM) in the Province of East Kalimantan (GTZ)
  • the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) which is implementing fire management projects in Sumatera (Jambi) and West Kalimantan;
  • the European Union project “Forest Fire Prevention and Control Project” (FFPCP)  in Sumatera (Palembang);
  • the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) at the central level (Ministry of Forestry; meanwhile terminated); and
  • the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and US AID which conducted fire management training courses (inter-project).

In 1995 a “National Coordination Team on Forest and Land and Fire Management” (c/o Environmental Impact Management Agency BAPEDAL) was established at national level.

During and after the 1997-98 fire episode the importance of the pilot functions of these projects have been recognized. Besides strengthening of the already ongoing projects several new intitatives were started.

This section provides update information on national, regional and internationally supported projects in forest fire management. The reports are taken from International Forest Fire News No.18 (January 1998) and 19 (August 1998) and from individual reports submitted to the GFMC and other sources:

Fire Project Reports (up to 2008)

SE Asia Fire Project Reports Published in IFFN No. 18 (January 1998)

SE Asia Fire Project Reports Published in IFFN No. 19 (October 1998)

Other Project Reports and Analyses
The following reports are taken from the report of R. Dennis (1998) prepared for CIFOR, ICRAF, UNESCO, EC JRS Ispra
Recent Analyses, Strategic Reports and Conference Recommendations (1998-2002)
Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Indonesia 2003


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