ITTO Guidelines on Fire Management in Tropical Forests: Appendix 3


ITTO Guidelines on Fire Management in Tropical Forests

Appendix 3


Fire pre-suppression measures include those activities and systems that are required to enable fire protection organizations to cope with wildfires before they start. These measures include:

  • Fire plans and intelligence systems Detection systems
  • Organizational structures Stand-by and response orders
  • Communications Fire equipment provisions
  • Fire-weather and fire-danger forecasting
  • Maintenance of access and water sources
  • Formation and training of fire-fighting crews

These pre-suppression systems and measures must be developed and maintained prior to the onset of the high fire danger period. Many of these elements can be integrated through an information and decision support system for fire managers. An idealized scheme of the elements required for a complete fire intelligence and fire management decisions support system is given in Appendix 6.




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