Houses defended, 160 firefighters and soldiers stay on duty overnight

Houses defended, 160 firefighters and soldiers stay on duty overnight

16 August 2017

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Croatia – NA BRDU Mrdakovica iznad Vodica danas, nešto prije 13 sati, izbio je veliki požar. Vatrogascima na terenu u pomoć pristižu i zračne snage, a Indexov reporter s terena javlja kako iznad požarišta lete kanader i dva Air tractora.

Stigao Krstičević

Na požarište je došao ministar obrane Damir Krstičević te tijekom večeri, zajedno sa Županijskim vatrogasnim zapovjednikom Šibensko-kninske županije Darkom Dukićem, obilazi požarišta Raslina-Zaton, priopćeno je iz tog ministarstva.

“Kuće su obranjene i nikomu se ništa nije dogodilo. Kanaderi i air traktori odletjeli su za Zemunik oko 20.15 sati jer više zbog mraka ne mogu djelovati. Ako bude bilo potrebe opet ćemo ih pozvati rano ujutro, već oko šest sati, da natapaju rubne dijelove opožarenog područja i sve gdje još bude bilo vatre” – rekao je zapovjednik JVP Šibenik Volimir Milošević.

Vojnici i vatrogasci ostaju

S obzirom na to da se tijekom noći očekuje bura, na terenu ostaje 80 vatrogasaca, a u pomoć nam uskoro stiže i 80 vojnika. Rasporedit ćemo snage i oni na terenu ostaju cijelu noć, rekao je Milošević za Šibenik IN.

Županijski vatrogasni zapovjednik Darko Dukić rekao je kako ova količina požara jednostavno nije normalna.

“Previše je požara u zadnjih deset godina, a ukupna nastala šteta je preko milijardu kuna. Ovom problemu treba ozbiljno pristupiti jer je očito da svi ti požari nisu nastali prirodnim putem – kazao je Dukić na požarištu u Raslini.

Vojska na terenu

Damir Krstičević je rekao kako će razgovarati o bespilotnim letjelicama.

“Jedna od opcija o kojoj ćemo razgovarati su bespilotne letjelice s kojima bi lakše kontrolirali teritorij. Uspješno smo ih već koristili i u budućnosti ćemo i više”, rekao je ministar obrane.

Riječ je o trenutno najkritičnijem požarištu na kojem je požar zaprijetio i kućama te je sukladno odluci ministra Krstičevića, a temeljem zahtjeva Vatrogasnog zapovjednika Dukića na teren upućeno i 72 pripadnika Protupožarnih namjenski organiziranih snaga Hrvatske kopnene vojske.

Iz Županijskog centra 112 Indexu je u ranim poslijepodnevnim satima rečeno da je na terenu 35 vatrogasaca. Kuće zasad nisu u opasnosti, a na Mrdakovici ponovno gori makija, trava i nisko raslinje.

U 16.20 sati dim se i dalje uzdizao s požarišta te je bio vidljiv i s mora. Indexov reporter snimio je fotografije požarišta s broda između Prvića i Zlarina, koje možete pogledati u nastavku.

Podsjetimo, na istom brdu gorjelo je i noćas, a u tom požaru izgorjelo je 20-ak hektara trave i niskog raslinja.

U večernjim satima vatra se razdvojila i tako stvorila novi problem za vatrogasce.

“Zračne i zemaljske vatrogasne snage i dalje se bore s vatrom koja im zadaje sve više problema, na terenu je 83 vatrogasaca, a situacija je tim gora jer se vatra razdvojila”, kazao je u večeras zapovjednik Javne vatrogasne postrojbe Šibenik Volimir Milošević.

“Sada imamo dva vatrena fronta, jedan ide prema Raslini, a drugi prema Zatonu, tako da sad branimo oba naselja, a kakav ćemo uspjeh imati – vidjet ćemo”, rekao je Hini Milošević.

Dodao je i da je vatrena linija jako razvučena te da su zračne snage i vatrogasci koncentrirani na obranu objekata.

Do sada je, ističe, opožareno više od 200 hektara, a za sada nema potrebe za evakuacijom građana, iako su upozoreni da se ponašaju savjesno i uklone iz dvorišta i oko kuća zapaljive stvari.

Zračne snage upućene na novo požarišta kod Šestanovca

Zračne snage Protupožarnih namjenski organiziranih snaga Oružanih snaga RH (PP NOS OS RH) iz sastava 93. zrakoplovne baze Hrvatskog ratnog zrakoplovstva i protuzračne obrane (HRZ i PZO), danas, u srijedu, 16. kolovoza 2017., u popodnevnim satima upućene su na najnovije požarište kod Šestanovca (Prpuša) u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji, a u gašenju sudjeluju dva helikoptera Mi-8 MTV i jedan Air tractor AT-802, objavljeno je oko 17.10 sati.

I ovaj je požar uočio pilot Air tractora na protupožarnom izviđanju koji je odmah nastavio sa gašenjem požara, a dodatno su mu se priključila i dva helikoptera iz vojarne “Knez Trpimir” iz Divulja.

Požar Zaton – Benkovačka cesta kod Šibenika još je uvijek aktivan, a gase ga dva Canadaira i tri Air tractora.

Od početka ovogodišnje protupožarne sezone (1. lipnja), zračne snage 93. zrakoplovne baze HRZ i PZO-a sudjelovale su u gašenju 213 požara (po 73 u Šibensko-kninskoj i Splitsko-dalmatinskoj, 53 u Zadarskoj, 10 u Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj, tri u Ličko-senjskoj i jedan u Istarskoj županiji).

Zračne snage PP NOS OS RH u dosadašnjem su dijelu protupožarne sezone ostvarile oko 1800 sati naleta, pri čemu je izbačeno oko 52 000 tona vode te su do požarišta prevezena 263 vatrogasca i vojnika i 32 tone vatrogasne opreme i vode.

DHMZ: Vjetar u nadolazećim danima umjeren i jak

Prema trodnevnoj prognozi DHMZ-a za Hrvatsku, u iduća tri dana očekuje se umjeren i snažan vjetar, što bi moglo otežati posao vatrogascima na terenu.

> KRAJ VRUĆEG LJETA? Stiže nova velika promjena, donosimo prognozu do kraja kolovoza

Ipak, prema prognozi AccuWeathera za Hrvatsku, nova izražena promjena vremena uz mogućnost jačeg nevremena sve je izglednija već za vikend, kada se očekuje i osjetan pad temperatura.

Toplinski val, koji dolazi u idućim danima, ujedno će biti i posljednji ovog ljeta. Nakon jake promjene vremena koja dolazi za vikend, na kopnu se više ne očekuju temperature iznad 30 stupnjeva.

Posljednji tjedan u kolovozu donosi stabilizaciju vremena, kao i prvi tjedan u rujnu.

Vakula: Jako jugo i olujna bura

Nakon subote očekuje se nagla i burna promjena vremena, uz pad temperature i za desetak stupnjeva, prognozira za HRT Zoran Vakula. Pljuskova i grmljavine bit će gotovo sigurno, ponegdje vjerojatno i olujnog nevremena, a na Jadranu će nevolje stvarati i najprije jako jugo, pa još više – jaka i olujna bura – već potkraj subote na sjevernom dijelu, u nedjelju posvuda. U odnosu na to – četvrtak i petak, usprkos vrućini, djeluju gotovo idilično.

U Slavoniji, Baranji i Srijemu bit će pretežno sunčano, uz najvišu temperaturu zraka uglavnom 32 i 33 °C. I noć i jutro bit će topliji nego nekoliko prošlih, ali mnogima, vjerujem, još ugodni za spavanje, i u središnjoj Hrvatskoj uz najnižu temperaturu od 15 do 18 °C, u središtu Zagreba vjerojatno i 20 °C. Poslijepodne pak 30 do 33 °C. Sunce i vedrinu povremeno će ukrašavati, ili remetiti, visoki koprenasti oblaci, a ujutro i mjestimična sumaglica, samo rijetko i kratkotrajna magla, koja je moguća i u nizinama Gorskog kotara i Like. Danju stabilno i toplije nego u srijedu, u unutrašnjosti uz slab vjetar, a na moru često umjeren, gdjekad na udare i jak – ujutro bura, najjača podno Velebita, zatim maestral, izraženiji oko Zadra. More malo do umjereno valovito, temperature od 23 do 26 °C.

U Dalmaciji i oko vrlo vrućih 36 °C, osobito u unutrašnjosti, gdje će biti i nestabilnije nego na moru, uz poslijepodnevne razvoje oblaka, iz kojih su mogući kratkotrajni lokalni pljuskovi. Uz najprije burin, mjestimice prolazno i umjerenu buru pa maestral more će biti malo do umjereno valovito, temperature od 22 do 26 °C.

Podjednake vremenske i morske prilike bit će i na jugu Hrvatske, gdje je također moguć poneki pljusak, uglavnom u Konavlima, te oko Metkovića i Ploča.

U petak i subotu bit će još toplije, uz južinu. Potkraj subote i u nedjelju nova jaka promjena vremena, uz pad temperature, te uz prolazno jak vjetar, na udare mjestimice i olujan – sjeverni i sjeveroistočni, gdjegod i sjeverozapadni. Bit će i pljuskova i grmljavine, a moguća su i mjestimična olujna nevremena s tučom, već u subotu poslijepodne na zapadu i sjeveru zemlje te na sjevernom Jadranu, gdje će nakon juga vjerojatno već u subotu navečer zapuhati jaka, često i olujna bura. U noći na nedjelju i tijekom nedjelje, oblaci i vjetar premještat će se sve do juga Jadrana. Ponegdje su ponovno moguće i pijavice.

English version of the news. Note: the news has been translated by Google translator.

At BRDU Mrdakovica above Vodice today, just before 13:00, a great fire broke out. The firefighters in the field receive air force assistance, and Index’s reporter from the field reports over the firing range of the canyon and two Air Tractors.

Krsticevic arrived

Defense Minister Damir Krstičević came to the fire, and during the evening, together with the County Fire Department commander of the Šibensko-Kninska County, Dark Dukic, he visited the fires Raslina-Zaton, the ministry said.

“The houses were defended and nothing happened to them.” Canaders and airliners flew for Zemunik around 20.15 o’clock because they can no longer operate because of the darkness, and if necessary, we will call them early in the morning for about six o’clock, The fire area and everything else where there is fire, “said commander JVP Sibenik Volimir Milosevic.

Soldiers and firefighters remain

Given the fact that an explosion is expected during the night, there are 80 firefighters in the field, and 80 soldiers are coming to help us soon. We will deploy forces and those in the field stay all night, Milosevic told Šibenik IN.

County firefighter Darko Dukić said that this amount of fire is simply not normal.

“There is too much fire in the last ten years, and the total damage is over one billion. This problem needs to be seriously accessed, because it is obvious that all these fires did not come naturally,” Dukic said at the Raslin firefight.

Army in the field

Damir Krsticevic said he would talk about unmanned aerial vehicles.

“One of the options we are going to talk about is unmanned aircraft with which to control the territory more easily. We have already used them in the future and will continue to do so in the future,” said the defense minister.

It is currently the most critical fire at which the fire threatened to houses and according to the decision of Minister Krstičević, and according to the request of the Vatican Commander Dukic in the field were sent 72 members of Firefighting Forces Organized Forces of the Croatian Army.

From the County Center 112 Index in the early afternoon it was said that 35 firefighters were in the field. Houses are not in danger for the moment, and Mrdakovica again burns macula, grass and low vegetation.

At 16.20 hours the smoke continued to rise from the fires and was visible from the sea. Index’s reporter filmed firefighting photographs from a ship between Prvić and Zlarin, which you can look at below.

Recall, on the same hill he was burned tonight, and in that fire he burned 20 hectares of grass and low vegetation.

In the evening the fire was separated and thus created a new problem for firefighters.

“Fire and Earth Firefighters still struggle with the fire that is causing them more and more problems, on the field there are 83 firefighters, and the situation is worse because the fire has been separated,” said Commander of the Public Fire Brigade Sibenik Volimir Milosevic.

“Now we have two fireplaces, one goes to Raslina, and another to Zaton, so now we defend both settlements, and what kind of success we will have,” Hini Milošević said.

He also added that the fire line was very stretched and that the air force and firefighters concentrated on the defense of the facilities.

So far, he says, more than 200 hectares have been fired, and for now there is no need to evacuate citizens, although they are warned to behave conscientiously and remove them from the yard and around the houses of flammable things.

Air Force sent to new fires at Šestanovac

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Croatia (PP NOS OS RH) from the composition of the 93th Air Force Base of the Croatian Air Force and Air Defense (HRZ and PZO), today, on Wednesday, August 16, 2017, was sent to The latest fire at Šestanovac (Prpusho) in the Split-Dalmatia County, and two helicopters Mi-8 MTV and one Air tractor AT-802, took place around 17.10 hours.

This fire also spotted the pilot Air Tracker on firefighting, which immediately resumed the fire, and two helicopters from the Knight Trpimir barracks from Divulja joined him.

Fire Zaton – Benkovačka road near Sibenik is still active, and it has two Canadians and three Air Tractors.

Since the beginning of this year’s fire-fighting season (June 1st), the air force of the 93rd airborne base of HRZ and PZO participated in the extinction of 213 fire (73 in Šibenik-Knin and Splitsko-dalmatinska, 53 in Zadar, 10 in Dubrovačko-Neretvanska, Three in Lika-Senj and one in Istrian County).

The air force of PP NOS OS RH in the so far part of the fire season achieved about 1800 hours of bail, whereby about 52 000 tons of water was dumped and 263 firefighters and soldiers and 32 tons of firefighting equipment and water were transported to the fire.

DHMZ: Wind in the coming days moderate and strong

According to the three-day forecast of the DHMZ for Croatia, a moderate and strong wind is expected in the next three days, which could make the work of firefighters in the field difficult.

> END OF LONG SUMMER? There is a new big change, we make the forecast by the end of August

However, according to Meteoa’s forecast for Croatia, the new pronounced change of weather with the possibility of a strong weather is all the more likely to be done for the weekend, when a significant drop in temperature is expected.

The heat wave, coming in the next few days, will also be the last of this summer. After a strong change in the time of coming to the weekend, the weather is no longer expected to exceed 30 degrees.

The last week in August brings time stabilization, as does the first week in September.

Vakula: Strong jugo and stormy bora

After Saturday, a sudden and abrupt change of weather, with a drop in temperature and a dozen degrees, is forecast for HRT Zoran Vakula. Thunderstorms and thunderstorms will be almost certain, somehow likely stormy storms, and on the Adriatic, trouble will be created firstly southward, and even more – a strong and stormy bush – at the end of Saturday in the northern part, on Sunday everywhere. Compared to that – Thursday and Friday, despite the heat, they are almost idyllic.

In Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem, it will be mostly sunny with the highest air temperature of 32 and 33 ° C. Night and morning will be warmer than a few past, but many, I believe, are still comfortable to sleep, and in central Croatia at the lowest temperature of 15 to 18 ° C, in the center of Zagreb probably 20 ° C. Afternoon at 30 to 33 ° C. The sun and the fog will occasionally be ornamented, or clouded, high cloudy clouds, and the morning and the occasional fog, rarely and briefly fog, which is also possible in the lowlands of Gorski Kotar and Lika. During the day it is stable and warmer than on Wednesday, in the interior with a weak wind, and on the sea it is often moderate, sometimes on strikes and the strong afternoon bush, the strongest Velebit below, then maestral, more pronounced around Zadar. Sea slightly to moderately wavy, temperatures from 23 to 26 ° C.

In Dalmatia and around the very hot 36 ° C, especially in the interior, where it will be more unstable than on the sea, with the afternoon cloudy development, from which short-term local floods are possible. With the first burin, occasionally a moderate and moderate fountain, and the maestral of the sea will be slightly to moderately wavy, temperatures of 22 to 26 ° C.

Equal weather and sea conditions will also be in the south of Croatia, where some plumage is also possible, mainly in Konavle, and around Metković and Ploče.

On Friday and Saturday it will be warmer, with the south. At the end of the Sabbath and Sunday, a new strong change of time, with a drop in temperature, and with a transient wind, to stifles and storms – north and northeast, anywhere and northwest. There will also be rains and thunderstorms, and occasional stormy storms with pumice are possible, but on Saturday afternoon in the west and north of the country and in the northern Adriatic, where a strong, often stormy bora is likely to slap in the afternoon on Saturday night. On Sunday and Sunday nights, clouds and winds will move to the south of the Adriatic. Ponies are also possible again.

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