Take action against bush fires – NGO

Take action against bush fires – NGO

07 October 2011

published by www.fijivillage.com

Fiji — A non-government organization, FRIEND, is calling on the relevant authorities to take action against those who are destroying livelihoods through bush fires.  

FRIEND director Sashi Kiran said that every week many fires are left burning the hills that destroy resources that can be utilized by rural population for additional income to support their livelihoods.

She said that despite strict laws governing environmental protection, bush fires are rampant and there is careless burning of cane fields in the Western Division near highways causing traffic hazards.

She said that fires over the years have destroyed the natural abundance of fruit trees and continuing fires are not giving a chance for the natural resources to replenish itself.

FRIEND is calling on rural communities to identify and protect their resource around them for sustainable livelihoods.

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