
Maritime territory in smoke from forestfires

17 October, 2004

VLADIVOSTOK, October 17 (Itar-Tass) – The Primoyre (Maritime) territory inthe Russian Far East is clouded with smoke on Sunday from forest and field firesin the Amur region, Khabarovsk region and northwest provinces of China.
Vladivostok residents have had for two days to inhale stifling smoky air. Medicsdo not recommend children and aged people to go out these days.
The northeaster carries the smoke from a large fire in a natural reserve in theAmur region through the Chinese territory and Khabarovsk region to Primorye, aduty officer of the regional hydrometeorology committee told Itar-Tass.
Photographs made from a satellite show the area of wildfires is exceeding 8,000hectares in the south of the Far East.
Forests, bogs and grass are burning on an area of 1,500 hectares in Primorye andin the Jewish Autonomous Area – on 1,900 hectares.
Two helicopters, a Mi-8 and Mi-2 are engaged in firefighting efforts from theair.
However, according to a duty officer of the aviation base of the region’sforest service only heavy rains will be able to stop the fire spread.
Weathermen do not forecast precipitation in the coming days.
Source: Itar Tass


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