ECE/FAO/ILO Seminar on Forest Fire Prevention and Control

Warsaw, Poland, 18-22 May 1981

Although forest fires are normally considered a national problem, they become an international one when they occur in border area forests or when the ecological impacts are felt over long distances. For this reason, there is a need to promote better understanding of the fires, and closer cooperation between countries in controlling them. At the invitation of the government of Poland, the Seminar on Forest Fire Prevention and Control was held in Warsaw from 20 to 22 May 1981. The purpose of the Seminar was:

  • to increase public awareness of the danger of forest fires and the need for more effective prevention and control measures;
  • to help countries improve prevention and control methods through an exchange of experience and opinions between specialists;
  • to improve techniques of restoring productivity and environmental functions to fire-damaged forest land.

Papers submitted to this seminar and included in the proceedings were written by highly qualified specialists with experienced backgrounds in different countries in the problem of forest fires.

Proceedings of the seminar:
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ed.). 1982. Forest Fire Prevention and Control. Nijhoff and Junk Publ., The Hague, 230 p.

GFMC Contributions

  • Goldammer, J.G. 1982. Development of airborne forest fire fighting equipment in the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Forest Fire Prevention and Control (United Nations, ed.), 153-158. Nijhoff and Junk Publ., The Hague, 230 p.
  • Goldammer, J.G. 1982. Controlled burning for stabilizing pine plantations. In: Forest Fire Prevention and Control (United Nations, ed.), 199-207. Nijhoff and Junk Publ., The Hague, 230 p.

GFMC Seminar Report


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