
Follow-up of the Wildfire Emergency in Chile 2017:
The Second Regional Consultation on Cross-boundary Cooperation
in Fire Management in South America

Viña del Mar, Chile. 2-3 October 2017

The GFMC and the Chilean authorities decided to follow up the First Regional Symposium on Cross-Boundary Cooperation in Fire Management in South America / Primer Simposio Regional de Cooperación en Manejo del Fuego Inter-Fronterizo en Sudamerica (held in Uruguay in May 2016) and to convene a second regional consultation.

On 2-3 October 2017 the National Forest Corporation of Chile (Corporación Nacional Forestal – CONAF) and GFMC convened the Second Regional Symposium and Consultation on Cross-boundary Cooperation in Fire Management in South America in Viña del Mar, Chile. The consultation was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Interior and Public Safety, and the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile, with the patronage of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The Consultation was attended by delegates of organizations and agencies of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. The consultation built on the recommendations of Uruguay 2016 and the lessons identified during the wildfire emergency in Chile in 2017 and addressed:

  • Review of existing rules and agreements on cross-boundary cooperation in fire management, including bilateral and multilateral cooperation during wildfire emergencies
  • Develop a proposal for developing a set of guidelines, SOPs and protocols for joint capacity building and enhancement of interoperability in the preparedness of border-crossing cooperation during fire emergencies
  • To prepare a recommendation for the development of an Addendum and a Manual of Procedures for International Cross-border Cooperation for Enhancing Preparedness for Managing Wildfire Emergencies in the Region, for its presentation on the part of the Chancelleries of the countries of the Region to the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to serve as platform of cooperation in the Region responsible for sustaining and supporting the constitution and strengthening the activities of the Regional Network
  • Establishment of a Regional Fire Management Resource Center with two main proposed branches to foster regional capacities in (a) vegetation fire science, education and training, and (b) operational coordination of cross-boundary fire management

The participants of the consultation released the Declaración de Viña del Mar 2017 / Declaration of Viña del Mar 2017 on Cross-Boundary Cooperation in Fire Management in South America, which has been followed-up by CONAF in late 2017 and early 2018. The following web pages and documents preceding the consultation and the Declaration of Viña del Mar 2017:

Country representatives from nine South American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela) agreed on the “Viña del Mar Declaration on Cross-boundary Cooperation in Fire Management”. Photo: CONAF.Aaron Cavieres, Executive Director of Corporacion Nacional Forestal (CONAF) opened the consultation. Photo: CONAF.
From left to right: Patricio Sanhueza (Chairman), Ricardo Toro (Executive Director, Oficina Nacional de Emergencia del Ministerio del Interior – ONEMI), Johann G. Goldammer (GFMCC) and Aaron Cavieres (CONAF). Photo: CONAF.[/caption] Signing of a cooperation agreement between CONAF (A. Cavieres) and GMFC (J.G. Goldammer). Photo: CONAF.


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