National Heathland Conference 2008

10th National Heathland Conference 2008:

Managing Heathlands in the Face of Climate Change

9 – 11 September 2008, York, United Kingdom

The 10th National Heathland Conference, hosted by Natural England and sponsored by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, will be held in September at the National Science Learning Centre at the University of York.

The conference will be aimed at those interested in finding out the latest developments in heathland management and science and key themes will include:

  • Climate change
  • Nutrient management
  • Fire and management
  • Housing & development
  • Heathland interpretation

The 3 day event will include a mix of presentations, workshops and open discussions on Tuesday and Wednesday, featuring practical examples of heathland management techniques. The conference will conclude on Thursday with optional guided visits to the inspiring lowland heathland in the Vale of York and the upland massif of the North York Moors.

Conference website:


Susie Davies
Keystone, Bownhill,
Woodchester, GL5 5PW

Tel: 01453 872731




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